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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Hello Everyone
So I just moved out of my parent's house and I got this cool computer, and we even have fast cable access to the Internet that my new roommate and I share. And I'm thinking "Wow! With no snooping parents around I won't have to clear the history every time I visit a site that I don't necessarily want them to see." But there is still this wedgie page that I love, adore, and visit every single day, and I do still have a roommate to share my computer with. So to make a long story short, guess who doesn't remember to clear the history, and on the second day of having this cable line, my new roommate has already learned of my wedgie fetish! But anyway, right after this happened we decided to go south of the border to this one club in Mexico. And what was of particular interest was this one party of about 7 or 8 sitting directly to our left. It was somebody's b-day in the group and the waiters just kept coming with more and more beer. They we already completely drunk when we got there, and there was this one guy who was particularly hammered. I could tell this just by the few words he said to me. At any rate, there is this new club/dance mix out you might have heard of that has the lyrics "Thong, thong, thong, thong, thong...let me see your thong" And as this song is playing the slobbering drunk guy (who is actually kind of cute) is on the dance floor lowering his pants to reveal his thong underwear. So his group of big, tall friends are dancing behind him, and as they see him dancing like this they grab the waistband of his black, thong underwear and give some good yanks, clear up to the middle of his back, to the beat of the rhythm as the drunk guy is squatting down, dancing. They did this for about 2 or 3 minutes till the song ended. The drunken guy seemed to be enjoying it, or simply just to drunk to care about the HUGE WEDGIE he was getting by two of his friends. Needless to say, this caught my attention really quick, and since it was a Thursday night, the bar wasn't crowded and it caught everybody else's as well.

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