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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Happy Birthday Wedgie
I was over at my friend's house for his birthday sleepover. However, only one other kid was sleeping over besides me. When everyone else left, I was alone with the other two, let's call them Mike and Nick. Mike and Nick are both much bigger than I am although we were all around 5'8"-5'10". If I had to guess, Mike is 165 pounds and Nick is 190 pounds compared to my 130 pounds. We were just hanging out when Mike got the urge to wrestle. It started out fine because Mike and I were both ganging up on Nick. He was getting creamed until Nick tackled me. I was lying on the floor and Mike tackled Nick who just happened to land on me. He sat up and saw that my boxers were showing. He sat on my back and gave a quick heave. My boxers went up to my mid-back and Nick screamed out "Wedgie War!" We all got into a corner and waited for someone to move. It was Mike and he went towards Nick. I went with him and while He reached for Nick's boxers, I grabbed his and pulled. I let go and saw that Nick was laughing so I gave one to him too. Now remember that they weigh a combined 355 pounds to my 130. They were both mad at me so they decided to get me. Mike grabbed me from behind and waited for Nick to recover. Nick then pushed my head down and locked it between his thighs. Mike let go and Nick grabbed my boxers and pulled them up to my neck. I was grunting loudly and he began to squeeze his legs. I was wondering where Mike was and soon found out that he had been behind me the whole time and when Nick let my head loose, they sandwiched me between them. This wedgie war went on or about an hour and I, by far, was getting the most. Nick-13 Mike-17 Me-38 I could see that Mike was about to try to give Nick an atomic wedgie so I ran behind Mike to watch. Unfortunately, the wedgie wasn't atomic, but it was fun to hear Nick scream. I, then, grabbed Mike and gave him a wedgie. About fifteen minutes later, I tried to give a hanging wedgie to Nick but he was just too heavy. When I lifted, I fell backward and he fell right on top of me. The only part of my body that was visible was my face. Mike then saw the opportunity and sat on my face. At this point, we were all tired so we made a truce. The down side was that since I lost, they made me do whatever they wanted for the rest of the night. This included being sat on and farted on. The worse part of this was that the final count of wedgies: Nick-45 Mike-52 Me-91

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