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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Got My Brother
I've always wedgied my younger brother(and gotten my fair share, too) but I've never posted before. I'm 20, and my little bro is 16. I had been home from college for a few days, and I had been wanting to wedgie him for a while. So one day our parents were out, and we were in the TV room. I asked him what time it was, and he started to tell me when he realized what I was gonna do. I yelled "thats right, wedgie time!" He got up and tried to run, but I grabbed him and wrestled with him. He was strong, but I'm a lot stronger. After a little bit I had him in a headlock(with my left hand) when we were both sitting on the floor. With my other hand I pulled back his shirt(he was squirming and yelling "c'mon, dont wedgie me") and I grabbed the waistband of his boxers. Leaning backwards, I hiked his boxers up to his midback. He was going "ahhh!" with each pull, more of a gasp then a yell. I was just laughing.

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