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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Amber's Wedgie
Recently, I was hanging out with some friends in the dorm. This particular room had four rooms that housed four guys (two to a bedroom). Let's call one of them Josh, and the other three Axle, Rico, and Balki (because nothing interesting has happened to them yet and I can't use up all the good pseudonyms on bit players).I stopped by and they were all there with their girlfriends (Amber, Bianca, Suave, and Nico respectively. If you've never been the only single person in a conversational setting you're lucky. Anyway, my patience unexpectedly paid off when Josh, who was hugging Amber from behind, let go of her and yanked up on her panties. He let go so quickly that I wasn't even sure he had given her a wedgie, but she was mortified and retreated into one of the bedrooms with her hands cupped over her mouth. The other girlfriends rushed over to the locked door, and after a few minutes of coaxing, got in. They were all in there for a while and we spent the time repeatedly telling Josh how dead he was. When the door opened, the other girlfriends came out and told Josh Amber wanted to speak to him. Josh went in to get what was coming to him. Submitted by Jonascattle on 11/05/99

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