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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Counselor's Revenge, Part 2
As I said last time, even though he my counselor had tortured me, I enjoyed seeing his reaction, and this is the story of how I get him a second time. When I enter my bunk, I see that only my counselor is there, and he, again, is asleep. I walk up to him and give him a wedgie and before he can get up, I tie his arms together. It was hilarious, but somehow, he got out and I was in for it. He body-slammed me on my bed, and continued to lay on me for a couple of minutes. He strips me of my clothes so that I'm only in my boxers. He ties me to the bed for a second just to get his laundry. When he returns he sits on me again and unties me. he pulls out his 5 pairs of dirty boxers and shoves 2 in mouth, and the other 3 go over my head. This was not bad enough, he then gives me a melvin up to my chest. I begin to think that he is letting me go when he pulls of all of the boxers, but he instead sits on face. Even when he wasn't farting, it smelled bad. He tells me that he'll let me go if I give this other counselor a wedgie. I remember what happened the last time I did what he told me to, but I just wanted to get his smelly a$$ off of my face. I had to wedgie this other counselor that was about the same height and weighed more, but wasn't as strong. However, he was known for his bad farts. Heine calls in the other counselor and as he walks in, I grab and give him a big wedgie. He screams and then pushes me into my counselor's room. He throws me down and sits on me. He is so heavy, about 230 pounds!!! He then gives me this weird wedgie where he shoves a pillow into my boxers and wedgies me; it actually felt good. He saw that I was in a good mood so he removed the pillow and gave me an atomic wedgie. While I'm getting myself out of the wedgie, he brings Heine in the room. Gabe, the other counselor, lays face down on the bed, and Heine picks me up. He puts my head inside of Gabe's shorts so that only his boxers separate me from his butt. Heine then lays on me and Gabe farts, I can see why he is famous for farting. They tell me that they only want to do one more thing. Heine gets off, removes my head and actually places it in his boxers. My nose is in his hairy crack! Heine then sits right on my head to wedge my nose in farther. I thought I was going to pass out when Gabe farted; I could taste it. When all of this was over, my nose was brown. Heine and Gabe told me that I was the only one ever shoved in Gabe's butt, and he only one that had his face smashed by their a$$es.

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