-- Tien's Ultimate DBZ Dimension- Kid Buu Saga
Kid Buu Saga


Vegeta is about to be absorbed, but Goku saves him and tries to fly off. Buu grabs him with his head tentacle and throws them to the ground. The ground then tries to absorb them! Goku gets Vegeta out of the way and attacks Majin Buu. Majin Buu is cleary more powerful, and laughs as Goku attempts to hurt him. Goku fires off beams and they all miss him and head toward Good Buu's pod. Majin Buu freaks out and jumps in front of one of the beams to save the pod. Majin Buu appears and is about to kill Goku, but Vegeta threatens to destroy Good Buu's pod. Majin Buu freaks out and tells him not to and that he doesn't understand. Buu lunges at Vegeta, and he pulls the pod down; Majin Buu collapses. He then turns into a pink puddle! On the outside, Majin Buu screams in pain, and Goku and Vegeta grab the pods and take off. Majin Buu starts emitting steam, and on the inside, the temperature rises enormously. They find a way out through the steam holes, but they close before they can get to them. Goku remembers that when Buu got mad, he released steam, so the next time it opened, Goku blasts the steam and they get out through the steam hole. Goku, Vegeta, and the others return to their normal sizes. They're horrified when they discover that Buu's power's increasing, not decreasing! Buu's muscle mass increases, but then he suddenly turns into a midget Buu! On the World of the Kais, Kibitoshin says that he's turned back to normal!


On the World of the Kais, Elder Kai asks if that's Buu's original form. He said that a very long time ago, he and three other supreme kais were ruled by Diakaioh. Bibidi, a wizard and father of Babidi, created Majin Buu. Majin Buu first battled West Kai and was killed. North Kai then fought Majin Buu and cut him in half, but it had no effect and was also killed. South Kai was next attacked and absorbed. Majin Buu was about to kill East Kai, but Daikaioh deflected the beam and sliced Buu into pieces. Majin Buu then turned into a ball and absorbed him, turning him into the fat and playful Majin Buu! Elder Kai then realizes that by absorbing the kais, it decreased him power! Kibitoshin then says that this new Buu has no good left in him! Back on earth, the new Kid Buu tries to destroy the earth, but Vegeta blasts Buu's beam just in time! Kid Buu creates another beam and Goku says that it's too powerful and they won't be able to stop it! On the World of the Kais, Elder Kai tells Kibitoshin to take his earrings to Vegeta and Goku. Buu fires the blast and Goku tells Vegeta to get the others. They fly off, but Goku sees Hercule, Dende, and Bee, so he grabs them. Goku and Vegeta are being chased by the blast and Kibitoshin arrives. Goku grabs him and Vegeta, and they're teleported away. Tien, Chiaotzu, Trunks, Goten, Piccolo, and Gohan are killed, along with the earth. Vegeta gets pissed at Goku for not bringing the others. Where earth used to be, Kid Buu starts to reform.


Hercule doesn't believe that the earth's gone and thinks he's on earth. He then thinks it's all a dream! He thinks he can fly so he jumps off of a cliff! The others see Buu through the crystal ball. Since he saw Goku use it, Buu can now use the Instant Transmission! He then starts teleporting to other planets and destroying them! Dende then remembers the dragonballs on New Namek! Goku says that New Namek is too far away and he can't reach it. Kibitoshin tells them that his Instant Transmission isn't limited to distance, and he can go anywhere! Elder Kai refuses to allow them to use the dragonballs, but Goku reminds him that he gets to kiss Bulma. Vegeta gets mad and starts yelling at Goku. Elsewhere, Kid Buu teleports to Other World, where Yamcha, Krillin, Olibu, and Pikkon are training! Back on the World of the Kais, Kibitoshin tosses them the earrings, but Goku says that since Buu's not a fused being anymore, then it's not fair that they should fight him fused! Vegeta then crushes his earring! Goku then does the same! In Other World, Olibu and Pikkon don't know who Buu is and make fun of him! Buu screams and creates an earthquake. Olibu and Pikkon attack him but are quickly taken down. Krillin throws a destructo disk and cuts him in half, but he joins back together and blasts Krillin. Kid Buu prepares to destroy the planet; Goku says that if Yamcha and Krillin die again, then they won't exist in that realm! Vegeta and Goku purposely raise their power level to attract Buu. Buu sense them and teleports to the World of the Kais!


Kid Buu teleports to the World of the Kais. Goku tells the others that they should leave, so Dende and Elder Kai grab Kibitoshin and teleport away. Goku and Vegeta play rock, paper, scissors to decide who fights Kid Buu! Goku wins and prepares to fight. Goku looks at Buu and finds that he's asleep! Goku powers up and wakes up Buu. On another planet, Kibitoshin realizes that they forgot to bring Hercule and Bee! Meanwhile, Hercule wakes up from his jump off of the cliff. Goku attacks and seems to be winning. He blasts Buu and creates a giant crater in the ground. Kid Buu reforms and the fight continues. They seem even in strength until Buu grabs Goku with his head tentacle and flings him into a cliff. Buu celebrates, but then the cliff breaks apart and explodes. Buu powers up a beam, and Goku throws a beam; the blast just makes Buu's blast bigger! He throws it, but Goku delfects it. The beam comes back and nearly misses Goku, blowing up part of the planet! The sky becomes dark and a lightning storm starts. The entire planet begins to break apart! Goku goes SS3 and attacks Buu!


Goku attacks Buu and blasts him; Buu reforms, but his head's on the wrong end! He then reforms again and attacks. In the H.F.I.L., Cell, Dr. Gero, Frieza, the Ginyu Force (all but Captain Ginyu), and the ogres watch the battle through a giant orb. When everyone asks who Majin Buu is, Babidi shows up and says that he's Buu's mentor and that he taught him everything he knows about fighting! After he leaves, Babidi says to himself that he hopes Buu gets killed! Buu turns into a cannonball and comes after Goku. Goku dodges it, and Buu crashes into the ground, creating a giant hole. Goku wonders where Buu is, and the planet begins to shake. Buu erupts from the ground and hits Goku! Buu flies at Goku, who fires off a Kamehameha. All of the pieces of Buu reform into tiny Kid Buus! They all fire beams, and Goku tries to power up. Since he's been in SS3 for so long, he returns to normal and collapses! After seeing Goku's defeat, Vegeta flies to Goku and tells him that he's going to fight Kid Buu. Vegeta flies into the air and powers up. He then destroys all of the tiny Buus. They reform and beat up Vegeta very badly. He's about to kill the prince, but Goku interferes and says he's not done with Buu! Goku goes SS3 and continues his fight.


They continue to fight and Buu deflects some of Goku beams and sends them right back at him. Goku dodges them and blows Buu into a cavern. He pulls Goku into the cave and repeatedly flings him against rocks. Goku blasts Buu out of the cave, and he reforms. Goku says that he needs a minute, so Vegeta says he'll give him the time! Vegeta attacks Buu while Goku powers up. Vegeta hits Buu mulitple times with blasts and keeps doing it. Pieces of Buu fly around the blasts and reform! Kid Buu attacks Vegeta. Vegeta gets some punches in on Buu, but the demon gets him back with his own powerful attack. With Vegeta knocked out, Kid Buu sets his sights on Goku! Vegeta gets back up and pisses Buu off by insulting him! Buu flies at him, so Vegeta uses his Big Bang Attack, but Buu dodges it. Buu then blasts Vegeta in the face, sending him into a crater. Vegeta climbs out of the crater, and Kid Buu is freaking out! Goku can't figure out why he hasn't gathered enough energy to kill Buu. Vegeta is thrown through the air, and Kid Buu tries to strangle him with his arm!


Goku wonders why he hasn't gathered enough energy. Meanwhile, Kid Buu tightens his grip on Vegeta's throat and electrocutes him! Buu flings him around. Elsewhere, Kibitoshin anounces taht he's going to the World of the Kais to help them! Dende says that he's going, too! Elder Kai begs them not to go, and that they should give Goku and Vegeta a chance. Back on the World of the Kais, Buu smashes Vegeta to the ground and finally lets go. However, Vegeta gets back up! Kid Buu's hand comes up from the ground and grabs Vegeta! Kid Buu powers up for a blast while Vegeta loses consciousness. Before he can blast Vegeta, Hercule jumps in the fight! Kid Buu powers down and lets Vegeta go; Buu flies at Hercule and is about to attack, when it seems that he's in pain! Hercule begs for his life. Buu walks towards Hercule, and then starts screaming in agony! Hercule thinks that Buu's sensed his "power" and starts making fun of him. Vegeta tells Goku to power up. Goku then begins to gather energy. Kid Buu stops screaming and spits out Good Buu! Hercule and Bee rush over to Good Buu, but it seems that he's dead. Hercule then challenges Kid Buu. He attacks Buu, but Buu doesn't even flinch. Kid Buu punches Hercule down. Hercule challenges him again, and Kid Buu flies at him. A beam narrowly misses Kid Buu, and it was fired by Good Buu! Vegeta asks Goku how long it's going to take, and Goku says that it's not working. The Buus start fighting and seem to be equal in power. Goku powers down to normal form!


Goku says that the reason he couldn't gather energy was because he was alive, and it takes twice as much energy to use as it did in Other World! The Buus continue their fight, and Kid Buu has the upper hand. Kid Buu wraps around Good Buu, and Hercule attacks. He gets free and tries to turn Kid Buu into chocolate but misses. Kid Buu blasts off his head, but he regenerates. Vegeta suddenly shouts for Dende, Kibitoshin, and Elder Kai to go to New Namek right away and gather the dragonballs! Kibitoshin teleports them away. Dende meets Moori and the others, and asks for the dragonballs. Moori reveals that they've already gathered them! Dende contacts Vegeta and asks him for the wishes. Vegeta tells him for earth to be restored and everyone killed since the World Martial Arts Tournament to be revived. Dende says that Porunga can only revive one person with one wish, but Moori says that they recreated Porunga with more power! Moori summons the dragon and makes his first wish. Earth is then recreated! They make their second wish, and Porunga says it will take some time to do! Meanwhile, Kid Buu rips off his arm and it turns into a ball! It repeatedly flies and hits Good Buu. Porunga says the wish is granted, and Elder Kai is revived! Goku asks Vegeta what's next, and freaks out when he sees that Vegeta's alive again! Vegeta tells Goku it's time for a spirit bomb!


AS everyone on earth celebrates being alive, Dabura, still in heaven, is collecting flowers and is very happy for the others to be alive again. Meanwhile, Kid Buu is doing heavy damage to Good Buu. Vegeta says that the energy of the human race will be enough to create a spirit bomb strong enough to kill Kid Buu. Dende asks what the third wish will be, but Vegeta asks to talk to everyone on earth. Elder Kai says that it can't be done! King Kai then butts in and says he can do it! King Kai connects to everyone, and Vegeta tells them all to give a portion of their energy. Goku flies into the air and begins to gather energy, and it begins to grow at a fast rate; but the energy was only from Gohan and the others. No one else is giving energy! Kid Buu continues his fight with Good Buu, and blasts the good Buu into the ground, creating a giant crater. Vegeta says that he's dead! From the rubble, four Good Buus appear! They all attack at once, and begin winning at against Kid Buu! On earth, nobody beleives Vegeta! The Good Buus get tied together and blasted by Kid Buu. He then reforms into one. Good Buu tries to fire a blast, but he's out of energy! Vegeta tries again to persuade everyone, but they all ignore him!


On Namek, Dende and the others watch as Vegeta begs the earthlings for their energy. On earth, people begin to give energy, but others try to stop them! Kid Buu drops Good Buu and attempts to destroy him; Hercule throws a rock at his heads, and Kid Buu turns his sights to Hercule. He then sees Goku's spirit bomb! He flies towards Goku, but Vegeta jumps in and is beaten badly by Buu. Goku shouts for help, and Bora hears him! He tells Upa and his tribe to give their energy to Goku! Meanwhile, Android 17 forces people to give their energy! Tien and Chiaotzu give their energy, too. In Jingle Village, Android 8 and the others give their energy. But most of the people still refuse to give their energy. Kid Buu defeats Vegeta and flies at Goku, but Vegeta gets up and blasts Buu. the evil Buu jumps on Vegeta and continues to beat him. On earth, Piccolo tells the others to fly around and tell everyone to believe Goku. No one believes them! Piccolo tries to tell people, but they freak out and run away from him! Hercule, listening to what everyone is saying, gets pissed and yells at them all. Everyone thinks he's fighting Buu, and he tells them to give their energy. Everyone donates their energy! Nam's people and Giran's people give their energy, and so do Baba's fighters! With everyone's energy, the spirit bomb is complete!


Goku tells Vegeta to move, but he says he can't! Kid Buu realizes that Goku won't throw it if he's near Vegeta, so he stands right over him! Kid Buu then starts firing blasts at Goku! Good Buu appears, and Hercule rushes over to hug him; he slaps Hercule away! Kid Buu starts firing pink blasts at Goku. He then creates a giant pink ball, but Good Buu tackles him! Hercule grabs Vegeta and carries him away, and at the same time, Kid Buu blasts Good Buu away. Goku launches the spirit bomb, but Buu stops it and takes control! Vegeta tells Dende to come and help; Kibitoshin says he gave too much energy to the spirit bomb and can't take him there! Vegeta tells Hercule to ask for more energy, but King Kai says that if they give any more, they'll die! Hercule refuses to, and Vegeta says that he wished everyone back, and everyone would be dead if it wasn't foor him. That causes him to realize that they have one more wish! Dende wishes for Goku's energy to be restored to normal, and Porunga grants it! With his power restored, Goku blasts the spirit bomb at Kid Buu and says to be reborn as a good person. Kid Buu is finally destroyed!


On Namek, earth, and earth's check-in station, everyone is celebrating Kid Buu's defeat. Hercule tells everyone on earth that Buu's been defeated; everyone cheers Hercule's name! Dende, Elder Kai, and Kibitoshin arrive on the World of the Kais. Dende heals Vegeta and Goku. Bee runs off and finds Good Buu's body; and he's alive! Hercule tells Dende to heal him, but Vegeta tries to destroy Buu! Hercule refuses to let him, and Goku tells Dende to heal him. Kibitoshin says that everyone on earth would be afraid of Majin Buu, and Goku tells him that they'll hide him for sixth months and then use the dragonballs to erase everyone's memories of Buu. Kibitoshin Instant Transmissions them to the lookout and then leaves. Everyone on the lookout celebrates, and then Majin Buu comes out! Everyone freaks out, and Trunks nearly attacks him. Goku then tells Chi Chi that he's alive again; Chi Chi starts crying and hugging Goku. Six months later, Shenrong is summoned and erases everyone's memories of Majin Buu. Majin Buu then walks through the city and sees a little girl with an ice cream cone, and she tells him to buy one at the shop. He goes into the store and orders all fourteen flavors! He tries to walk out of the store, but the man says he hasn't paid. He takes the cones and tells him to pay for it first! Steam starts coming out of his head, but he remembers Hercule telling him never to be angry again. He stops, apologizes, and leaves. He hears someone talking about money and goes to him. A man named Pit Bull Pete is challenging people to fight him for 100,000 zeni! Majin Buu asks the man how it works, and he says he just has to stay in the fight for three minutes. Buu said he was told not to fight by Hercule, so the man says it's a game, not a fight. One of the people watching pays the 10,000 zeni entrance fee to watch "Hercule's pupil" fight. The fight starts, and the man attacks. Buu just keeps saying, "Money! Ice Cream! Money! Ice Cream!", while the man repeatedly punches him. Buu slaps Pit Bull Pete on the head, and he goes flying through a brick wall! Majin Buu walks out of the ice cream shop with piles of ice cream in his hands, and he paid 100,000 zeni for it! The man in the store ran out, and said he paid too much! Buu told him to keep it and, he'll keep the ice cream. When Buu nearly finishes his ice cream, Bulma walks by and makes Buu carry the groceries because Vegeta and Trunks flew off. They then go to a jewelry store, and Pit Bull Pete and his manager try and rob it! When Pit Bull Pete sees Majin Buu, he shoots him, but it doesn't affect him! The police are about to go in, but Great Saiyaman and Great Saiyagirl arrive! Pit Bull Pete and his manager come out and surrender. Later that night, Goku, Trunks, and Goten are fighting in the bathtub, and Goku is winning. A naked Trunks and naked Goten jump out and fuse into a naked Gotenks! They jump in, and Goku transforms into a super saiyan, and the tub blows up! Chi Chi runs out and chases Gotenks around Goku!


Gohan, Goten, and Chi Chi dress up to go to a barbeque at Bulma's. Goku had already left to go see eggs. He notices one is missing, but finds it below. He picks it up and the mother pterodactyl attacks, so he leaves it. A giant snake tries to grab the eggs, but Goku saves them. Meanwhile, Krillin, Marron, and 18 arrive at Capsule Corp. Yamcha arrives in his car and accidentally almost runs over them in his car. Gohan, Goten, and Chi Chi then arrive. Everyone except Goku is there. Elsewhere, Goku begins to have memories about when Grandpa Gohan first found him on the mountain. Two fighting dinosaurs interrupt his flashback, and Goku grabs them and flies away. He throws them onto another island and heads back to the nest. Back at the party, nearly everyone starts dancing. Dende accidentally brings up Goku, and everyone gets sad that he's not at the party. Back at the nest, so Goku breaks down trees and makes the nest stronger. The egg below begins to shake from the wind. The branch that the egg was on breaks and the egg falls. The egg falls into the river. The pterodactyl couldn't reach it in time, and it falls down a waterfall. Goku saves it in time, but a giant fish eats them! Goku breaks free. As everyone starts to leave, Goku finally arrives. As Goku eats, he tells everyone about when the eggs hatched.


Ten years after Kid Buu was destroyed, Trunks heads to Goku's home. Gohan and Videl are now married and live in a big house. Hercule is now getting old and has a bald spot on his head. The next World Tournament is the next day! Gohan tells Trunks that Goten and Goku are out training. Bulma and Vegeta show up, angry that he's never called or visited for five years! Goku says that he's going to compete in the tournament because there was a fighter that entered that might be very powerful. Trunks arrives, and Goten says he's entering the tournament, too. A little girl, named Pan, arrives and says she's going to entering the tournament, and she calls Goku grandpa! Vegeta tells Trunks that he has to enter. The next day at the tournament, Pan and Goku run off and play carnival games, feed birds, and eat. A kid runs by, after stealing watches, and knocks over Pan and her ice cream. He's mean to her, and she gets angry; but Goku gives her his. Goku and the others meet up with Krillin, 18, Mastr Roshi, Piccolo, Dende, & Yamcha. Piccolo says that he's not entering. Meanwhile, Hercule tells Majin Buu to beat everyone and then let him beat him. Goku and Pan walk in. Pan tells him that they're entering and Hercule freaks out. Goku tells him that if they make it into the finals, they'll let him win. There are no more seats left, so Hercule lets them sit in front of the ring. Everyone's staring at them, so they move to seats above the entrance. The announcer comes out and introduces the finalists.


One of the finalists is a little boy, who's scared to death. He freaks out when another finalist taps him on the back. Meanwhile, Pan accidentally runs into Wild Tiger, who gets mad. Pan starts crying and runs to Goku. Goten goes up first and draws his number. Meanwhile, Goku gets Buu to use his magic to make him fight the warrior. Buu gladly agrees. Goten draws 8. Wild Tiger then draws his number. Pan then draws 1. Hercule looks at the draw, and sees that Wild Tiger drew 2! Goku goes up next and tells Buu to make him draw 3. Goku drew 6, but Buu magically changes it to 3. Narig then goes up and draws 12. Buu turns it to 6. Uub, the little boy, goes up and Goku tells him to change his to 4! Goku tells Vegeta that Uub is Kid Buu reincarnated! Vegeta goes up and draws 12. As the tournament is about to begin, Knock, Vegeta's opponent, starts making fun of him. Vegeta then punches him across the ring and into bulletin board. Knock is then taken off of the draw and taken away in a stretcher. Pan and Wild Tiger enter the ring. The match begins. Pan jumps up and slaps him to the ground. She then kicks him out of the ring. Goku and Uub then enter the ring. To make Uub stop being so nervous, Goku starts making fun of him to make him angry. Uub gets very mad, powers up, and attacks.


Uub attacks, but Goku blocks it. He then kicks Goku to the edge of the ring. He gets up and smashes Uub into the ring. They then start punching and kicking each other. Uub then starts to win! He throws Goku into the air and smashes him into the ring. Goku explodes from the rubble. Knock and Captain Chicken, after seeing them fight, run off! Uub, wanting to win money to buy food for his village, powers up and nearly blows Goku out of the ring! Uub attacks and misses. He falls off of the ring, but stays up by holding the ring with his foot! He gets back up and Goku's gone. Uub sees Goku in the sky as he powers up a kamehameha wave. He sees Uub falling out of the ring and catches him. He apologizes for insulting him. He then asks to live in Uub's village and train him! Uub agrees but says he comes from a poor family. Goku says that Hercule will sponsor him! Goku flies to the others and tells them he's leaving. Uub jumps onto his back and they leave.


Saiyan Saga
Namek Saga
Captain Ginyu Saga
Frieza Saga
Garlic Jr. Saga
Trunks Saga
Androids Saga
Imperfect Cell Saga
Perfect Cell Saga
Cell Games Saga
Great Saiyaman Saga
World Tournament Saga
Babidi Saga
Majin Buu Saga
Fusion Saga
Kid Buu Saga