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Warrior's of the UnderWorld RPG : Smack till ya Crack!!

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These are all the masters you can train with or learn moves from in the RPG. Some masters wont let you train with them unless you meet their special requirments. You have to be on the same planet of the master you want to train with. You can only do one thing with a master per month, you can either:-
1.Learn a move
2.Or train with him to get your stats up
You can only train with a master to get your stats up once. When you post that you want to train with a master tell me what 2 stats you want the points to go to.

To be able to train with a master you canot be in a fight, looking for the Dragonballs or training any other way. To train with a master or learn a move post it on the masters bord with you character name who you want to train with and what you would like to do. I will then e-mail you to tell you if i will let you train.

Master Roshi - Earth
Requirements - bring him a Dirty book and pay him 100 GP.
Moves Learnt - Chou Kame Hame Ha
Just like Kame Hame Ha except its a lot more powerfull.
Ap - 250
Ki - 300
22 Days to learn
Stats from training - +25 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 4 days.

Kami - Earth
Requirments - bring kami 2 sensu beans from Karins shop
Moves learnt - Special Bean Cannon
A penetrating blast shot using two fingers. Actually, it is really two blasts, one going strait, and the other twirling around the strait blast. This attack "drills" through just about anything, exploding upon an item it can't penetrate.
Ap - 190
Ki -200
17 Days to learn
Stats from training - +30 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 5 days.

Dr Gero - Earth (Android's only)
Requirements - Must be an android
Moves Learnt - Ki absorption
This power up allows a warrior to absorb their opponent's Ki power and add it to their own, thus increasing their internal power. The androids have red ports in the center of their palms to absorb the Ki energy to their body. when used the android gets 5% of the person you are fighting HP and Ki per round. Lasts for 2 rounds.
Ki - 60
10 Days to learn Stats from Training - +40 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 5 days.

Requirments - Have no evil intensions
Moves Learnt - Heal
Once used in battle you get 5% of your HP back per round.
ki - 60
6 Days to lrarn
Stats from training - +20 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 3 days.

Dende - Namek
Requirments - must know heal
Moves Learnt - Advanced Heal
Once used in battle you get 10% of your HP back per round. Lasts for 3 rounds.
Ki - 100
12 Days to learn
Stats from training - +25 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 3 days.

King Vegeta - Vegeta
Requirements - bring him a Dragon Radar
Moves Learnt - Final Flash
Vegeta's ultimate move. He powers up with his arms and legs openend then he brings his arms forward and releases the blast.
Ap - 240
ki - 250
20 Days to learn
Stats from training - +35 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 3 days.

Bardock - Vegeta
Requirments - Must be a Saiyan
Moves Learnt - Create moon
Allows you to create an artifical moon so you can turn Oozaru
Ki= 40
9 Days to learn
Stats from training - +25 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 3 days.

Yardraterian - Yardrat
Requirments - Must have been on planet for at least 4 days and bring then 3 sensu beans
Moves learnt - Instant transmission
Allow you to travel to any planet instintaniously providing you've been there before. Can only travel to one planet twice per week
20 days to learn
Stats from training - +15 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 3 days.

Freeza - Freeza
Requirments - must not be a saiyan and must have won a saiyan in battle
Moves learnt - Death ball
A small ball of energy spewed from Freeza's figure tips or with both of his hands. This attack is very powerful and is capable of destroying planets.
Ap - 200
Ki - 150
18 Days to learn
Stats from training - +40 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 6 days.

King cold - Freeza
Requirments - must not be a saiyan
Moves learnt - Freeza beam
Similar to Dodonpa, the beam is shot from one figure extended. The difference is that this beam does not explode on contact. It will however pierce through or slice like a blade its target.
Ap - 150
Ki - 100
16 Days to learn
Stats from training - +30 to 2 stats after total training. training lasts for 4 days.

When training with king kai you learn both moves and get the stats bonuses as well.

King Kai - Next dimension
Requirments - Must be dead and takes 4 days to get across snake way
Moves learnt - Sprit bomb
A large energy ball gathered from all good things that lend him their energy to collect for the ball: nature, animals, human, planets and the universe. This attack leaves Goku vulnerable as he has to keep his hands in the air for long periods of time. When using this move you must tell me how many actions you want it to be charged
Every action charged - 50 Ap.
Ki - 50 per action - 25 days to learn.
Times all your stas by ?. can times up to your number of actions. tell me what you want to times to while using it. lasts for on round.
10 days to learn. Stats from training - +100 to 2 stats after total trining. Training lasts 10 days.