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To become an affiliate you must have the things listed below. None of them are impossible or way out of the ball park, all are easily possible.
  • Must get 50+ hits a day
  • Must have 10+ sections up
  • Must have at least 100+ hits total
  • Must have a button

    Now these are things you have todo to be able to be an affiliate.

  • Have my button/banner on every page
  • Get my button up within in 10 days

    These are the things I will do if you can do all the things above.

  • I will put your button on every page
  • I will put your banner/button in the Affiliate section

    Alright if you can do all that stuff up there and me todo the stuff above also e-mail me and give me your site name, site url, button url, and hits per day.

  • Majinbuu's DBZ Site