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"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. . ."

             from Stride Toward Freedom

             Martin Luther King, Jr.

updated 5/21/01
I haven't updated in a while. I got a girl friend,(and a life). We have been spending lots of time together because she is leaving for the summer. I am gonna miss her so I have been spend as much time as I can. She is a real hottie. Anyways, I added a new movie or two. Actully i just openned a link to an already uploaded file. I recommend the one with goku. It is awesome.

updated 5/7/01
I added three image pages. I would like to know if the pages load fast. I have tried very hard to insure that. So please let me know at Well i gotta go I am trying to get an 8th image page, as well as some more media. Bye.

updated 5/6/01
Sorry for the lack of visible updates. I added some new links so please visit them, I don't want to be a bad host. I can't belive that I never told you guys about the new media section. Just adding that and fixing up everything took me like two hours. I have more videos uploaded just not on the page yet i might be a few days. I don't know. Thanks.

updated 4/24/01
Well I decided to offer a job. Remember that this is a nonprofit organization. To be honest I just need someone to do some writing for me. Like on the character info, and stuff like that. I am not a good writer, so anyone is welcome. Just I guess . I went and applied for another topsite. I hope that you vote for me. PLEASE.

updated 4/23/01
I just realized that even though it looks like ti don't update that often, I do. Like every day. I even completely forgot to announce when the new layout came out. If you want to see the old one fill free. It will be up for a while. Just remember that none of the images work. Infact you will not even be able to see much. Well it is like 1:14 AM. and I have school in the morning. If you want to become an affiliate fill out this Form.

updated 4/17/01
I started the new layout today. It might take a while. I will try to get it up soon.

updated 4/17/01
I changed a few things today. I changed the main picture, and the nav. bar. If you liked the old one better just let me know. i started work on the 'About me' section but it will still be a few days. Well take it easy bye.

updated 4/15/01
Well this is my first update thing in the new text thing.If you are viewing this site truogh Netscape i feel sorry for you. I have done some testing with Netscape 4.7 and I don't like it. I have to and fix all my tables and that is too much work. So all the Netscape people will just have to view my page a little funky. I add a link, I only wish i could set up a link here. Just go to the links sec and there you go. Vegeta's GT Palace. It is still kinda under construction but worth a visit.

updated 4/10/01
This is my very first attempt at using html. I am still gettingused to it. All of my pictures are from the net. Feel free to take what you want. All I ask is that you sign my guestbook, and if you have a website, pleas make me a link(we all need to stick together so we will all get more hits.). My links section is going to be small till I find sites worthy of being on my site(actually if you go to links, then add a site, and fell out the form you will most likely become a link). Have fun.

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