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Gundam Pilots
XXXG-01D Gundam Heavyarms
General and Technical Data
Model number: XXXG-01H
Unit type: Mobile suit
Manufacturer: Doktor S (with Barton Security Group)
Overall Height: N/A metres
Base weight: 7.7 tonnes
Full weight: N/A tonnes
Generator output: N/A KW
Armor materials: Gundanium alloy
Sensor radius: N/A metres
Land speed: N/A km/h
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x machinecannon, fire-linked, mounted on torso; 2 x Gatling gun, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x 3-tube homing missile launcher, mounted in shoulders; 2 x 12-tube micromissile launcher pod, mounted on legs; 1 x army knife, superheated blade, mounted on right forearm
Optional hand armaments: 1 x beam Gatling gun with shield, mounts over left forearm


Created by the scientist Doktor S with the support of the Barton Security Group and piloted by a young warrior known as Trowa Barton, the Gundam Heavyarms is designed for sheer long-range firepower. Heavily armed and armored, it's packed with enough guns and missiles to wipe out a squadron of battleships. As a result, the Heavyarms is the Gundam best equipped to carry out mass combat against multiple foes. However, its limited ammunition can prove a liability during extended battles.

In addition to being built of almost indestructible gundanium alloy, the "Gundam 03" (as it was code-named by OZ) was a virtual walking fortress, packing an enormous amount of firepower in the form of Gatling guns, machinecannons, vulcan guns, "blind" and homing missiles, and a large shield-laden beam Gatling gun. Its chest houses another pair of gatling guns and two machine cannons; the missile pods on its legs house 24 micromissile launchers; and each shoulder contains three lethally accurate homing missiles. However, the Gundam also carried a heat blade on its right forearm for close combat.

Source:, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing