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Duchy of Zeon
MS-14A Gelgoog
General and Technical Data
Model number: MS-14A
Unit type: Mass production high efficiency general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zeonic Company
Overall Height: N/A metres
Base weight: 42.1 tonnes
Full weight: 73.3 tonnes
Generator output: 1440 KW
Armor materials: Super-high tensile steel
Sensor radius: 6300 metres
Land speed: 180 km/h
Fixed armaments: 1 x twin beam sword, stored in recharge rack on back, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargable energy cap; shield, can be optionally stored on backpack


The Gelgoog is Zeon's final mass-produced mobile suit, a vicious machine that rivals the Federation's dreaded Gundam in terms of performance and firepower. Intended as a replacement for the aging MS-06F Zaku II as a primary front line unit, the MS-14A Gelgoog was a high-performance mobile suit, arguably as powerful as - if not more powerful than - the Federation's Gundam. However, its late and haphazard introduction to the battlefield prevented the technological superiority of the Gelgoog from changing the course of the war, and its capabilities were largely wasted in the hands of poorly-trained student recruits. Only 165 units were produced and put into combat by the last day of the war at the Battle of A Bao A Qu on 31 December UC 0079 mostly piloted by novice pilots and fresh recruits who couldn't use their powerful new Gelgoogs effectively against veteran Federal pilots in less-powerful mass-produced GMs.

Like the Zaku II, the Gelgoog is well-suited for both terrestrial and space combat, and sported a large beam rifle, forearm-mounted jet engine thrusters for added maneuverability, and a twin beam sword. These jets can be replaced with small shields, machine guns, or rocket launchers as the mission demands. The main reason for the Gelgoog's late arrival is also its greatest advantage: It's the first general-purpose Zeon mobile suit to carry beam weapons, in the form of a beam rifle and a fancy twin beam sword.

Source:, HG-UC kit manual