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Duchy of Zeon
MSM-04 Acguy
General and Technical Data
Model number: MSM-03
Unit type: mass production amphibious mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zeonic Company
Overall Height: 19.9 metres
Base weight: 91.6 tonnes
Full weight: 129.0 tonnes
Generator output: 1870 KW
Armor materials: Super-high tensile steel
Sensor radius: N/A metres
Land speed: N/A km/h
Fixed armaments: 4 x 105 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 1 x 6-tube rocket launcher, mounted on left forearm; 1 x mega particle cannon, mounted in right forearm
Optional hand armaments: N/A


Hot on the heels of the Gogg came the Zeonic Company's own amphibious mobile suit design, a lower-cost model that reused many internal components from the Zaku II. Even with two Zaku powerplants, the heat signatures produced by the Acguy were relatively low compared to most other amphibious mobile suits from the One Year War. On the other hand, the reduced heat emissions made the Acguy harder to detect with infra-red sensors, and thus better suited for infiltration and reconnaissance missions.

The precise armament of the Acguy was somewhat variable. Its armament proved something of a surprise to the Federation: in addition to head-mounted vulcan guns and rocket launchers in the left arm, what appeared to be more rocket launchers in the right arm were actually extendable claws. Topped off by a mega particle cannon, the right arm could also extend out, making it a useful punching or striking weapon.

Source:, HG-UC kit manual