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Full Eps News:(must Read) To download my episodes, you must get either morpheus or Kazaa. You can go to to get Morpheus and go to to get Kazaa. In the seach field type dbvortex, the eps will come up. Not all of my eps will only the ones that people have online at the moment.For people who know how to use MIRC go to the #dbvortex5 channel alot of people have some good eps there. There will be now more direct downloads on the site. I will only show If the new episodes have arrived and a pic showing what the eps about. My user name on both Morpheus and Kazaa are VegetaSSZ3. I will also make Music Videos and put them up. Please share with other people. If you do not know what any of these programs are I will not take any emails. Go to the Message Board and find someone to help you. Thank You...


Episode 217: Buu Is Hatched

Episode 218: The Losses Begin

Episode 219: The Terror Of Majin Buu

Episode 220: Meal Time

Episode 221: The Warriors Decision

Episode 222: Final Atonement



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