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Wesley Wyndham-Pryce.

Failed Watcher. Rogue Demon Hunter. Something of a mix between the two. Who do you choose?

Wes was raised by the council to be a good little by-the-book-watcher. Unlike a certain Rupert Giles, he never had the inclination or opportunity to rebel. The little we know of his childhood involves a father who used to beat him and lock him in the cupboard under the stairs for not being good enough.

Anyway, he completed Watcher training, and when Giles got fired, he got sent to Sunnyhell to help out with the Slayers. Boy did he screw up at first. After that, every (quite reasonable) idea he had was ignored. On the side, there was an abortive romance with a certain prom queen.

Post-Ascension, the boy got fired. However, we did not despair. For he discovered leather and big motorbikes, and the fact that it is breaking one of the ten sacred laws to over-use the brylcreem and over-do it on the suits. He turned up in LA on the trail of a demon and stayed on after an invitation for a post-case plate of scrambled eggs.

And from this we have learnt a valuable lesson : Leather trousers chafe your ... thighs. Definitely your thighs. *g*

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