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Beta Readers

Yes, these poor, benighted souls have signed up, of their own free will, to beta your fic for you. Be nice now...

Olwen ( - I love to read Wes/Angel, and will check for spelling, grammar, plot holes, character, etc. I'll read *any* style or type of story except for SongFic.

elusio - - I have also been told that I was one of the best grammar/spelling/style betas a fic writer had ever had. (on this fic: So, that's what I'm offering. I've never betaed character or story aspects before, so I probably should stick to what I know. I'm also a keen reader of Wes/Angel fics if that matters.Anyway, e-mail me if you want my help.

Liz - - I'll do anything but I can't do Cordelia voice for the life of me. Slash, angst, dark, character death, happy, you name it.

Witchvamp - I take on grammar, spelling and character/plot development beta reading. All pairings and all ratings are ok.

Pamela - - I do well just seeing if it runs smoothly, no glaring omissions or errors, some grammer. Basically I feel that it is the writer's fic and just needs checking for general readability.

Jess (Jessica) - I'll beta anything, but I prefer angst and darkfic to fluff.

J Calanthe - will beta anything not exclusively het that's in the BtVS/AtS realm Will beta for pretty much anything, just tell me what you want.

Kate - - I'm quite happy to beta Wes/Angel stuff as i love reading it. Smut a speciality! Oh and British slang.

Deďaneira - - Basically there's nothing I won't read and nothing I won't read for. Except Willow pairings. But that's it - anything else is fine.

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