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Talk in Navajo: Household Phrases
for conversational Navajo
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This page has a few phrases translated into Navajo to provide a few phrases that can be used in conversational Navajo to use to talk in the home. Keep in mind the below phrases are suggested phrases. Different parts of the Navajo reservation talk differently.

Not all the details of the phrases are given and an understanding of elementary Navajo (i.e. colors, numbers, etc.) is expected in terms of knowing how to use the phrases properly.

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Turn on the lights!
I'm turning on the heater!
Heater haasg44s!
Turn on the radio!
Radio hang44s!
Wake up!
Let me sleep!
Hw7ndii ashwosh!
Yes, let him/her sleep!
Aoo', hw7ndii a[wosh!
Did you put a pot of coffee on?
Gohw44h7sh dah s7n7’3?
Coffee is brewing.
Option 1: Gohw44h t’ahdii yiib44zh.
(Translation: coffee is still boiling.)

Option 2: Gohw44h t’ah doo hanilgh1ash da.
(Translation: the coffee hasn't boiled over yet.)


The coffee is done.
G0hw44h a[tso hanoolghaazh.
(Translation: coffee finished boiling over.)
Let the cat in.
M0s7 yaa ani[t’e’.
Don't let it out! (i.e. the cat, dog, etc.)
Ch’0olyeed l1go!
Don't let the dog in!
{44chaa’7 yaa hoolyeed l1go!
Someone's calling, it's for you.
H17sh99 nich’8’ hoolne’. Ni n1.
I put the horse back in the corral.
{77’ yah han47[t’e’.
How long did you study?
Haash ]zahj8’ study 7inlaa?

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4