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**Download new version of Hypnoses**
**Download the live version of The Universal Love Song**
**New Live Cover: When You Sleep (originally by My Bloody Valentine)**

Happy New Xmas. Ummm. I've been recording. There's gonna be an EP. It'll be called Hypnoses & Friends. The first track will be the new version of Hypnoses. Download it. Yum.

Sorry, for the lack of updates. I've been busy with People Are On Top of The Statue of Liberty And They're Threatening to Jump. We're really weird but in a good way. I've been playing a lot of stuff live at ground zero, and i recorded some of it for the first time last night. Right now, you can download my cover of When You Sleep (originally by the great My Bloody Valentine, but you knew that). I also played the full version of Universal Love Song. I promise that'll be up soon. And check out PAOTOTSOLATTTJ because we rock. I'll be recording something with Texas Chris later this week. Dig it.

As many of you may know, I have a song about an alien abduction, which was very popular. But, ever since i performed it live I lost the power source for the effects board that i need to play it. So now, I've finally started to record my tribute to that song. It's a beautiful love song about aliens. Sorta like Hypnoses but more. Download the first verse and chorus of Universal Love Song. I should be done with it in about a week or so. Peace.

No one came to FREE pancake party. I'm really sad. I must be the most hated person on earth. This tragedy inspired me to record a very suicidal song. Watch the video of International House of Lonliness.Werd.

Sorry about not updating. I've been pretty busy. But it's about 3 a.m. and I was inspired to rap. So broke out 'Mega Rock Rap & Roll' an excellent music program and recorded my first rap song. It's iz-ill. Download me

Last night's show at Starbucks rocked like no other. Even though Dustin was the only one who came it rocked like no other. He recorded the damn thing and it was sooo much fun. There was this guy who 'wooed' too much and he was great. Anyways, for all of you who missed it here's an mp3 of one song I played. Hypnoses is a break up ballad of sorts. Enjoy. Suckas!

So yeah, I've finally got a 'show'. I'll be playing at the Starbucks on Canal and Centre st. So if you come you can come home with me and chill. It's gonna just be me and a guitar no effects. I have some love songs and other sweet ballads so defiantely come out. It's free too!

Sorry, nothing witty to say. Download Rabble On. Think Lightning Bolt doing Naked City covers and you'll get what I was trying to do.

Hey there cuddly bear! Yeah it's goin' good. Anyways, nothing is really being recorded nowadays, but I do have my first music film (not music video) done. It's for the legendary song Highscore. So click here to see this bad boy. I really like it, it has footage from the 2nd never released recording of Highscore, and then some random shit from my dad's house in Chinatown. I hope you dig it as much as I do. If you want to see a larger version e-mail me and we'll work stuff out. Ok, that's it for now. Go keep it real.

Happy new Year! Wowza, I've been neglecting my site a lot this year. Well, I just created a new 'song', it's an avant-garde piece ala Need New Body and the likes. It's called You Know They ARE Following You and I Do Suggest That You Ditch Them Before It Is A Problem. Click them words to hear it. Anyways, I don't gots much to say except that you should keep it gangster. Werd...Werd...

It's been ages and I apologize to all my fans who relgiously come to this site and write all over my message board. So I'm working on a lot of stuff. I just uploaded my Remix of Gimpy's Dad is A Porntsar on it should be there any day now ( I recently rerecorded The Sonic Burn, and Conflicting Sounds, they should be available in someway soon. And finally, I have made an mp3 of my first completely electronic piece (no guitars. It's called The Learning Process. I really dig it, I hope you do too. My first demo tape is almost ready, I'm working on some art, but I guarentee it's gonna be cool. Aight, that's all for now wiggas! otf. -The Zane

It's been a while, but I'm alive and well, and yes, I've got stories to tell. The Zane was choosen to play the "FROK The Children" concert, but sadly my band could not make due to acting shtuff. But, that wa sok there was still band day. And once again my band dropped out, showing themselves to Not Be. So Band day at Fieldston I will be playing a 15 min. set alone. It's going to rock you like no other!

Now, lately there have been a lot of rumors about me, and well I'd like to clear something up right now. Some of the rumors are true some aren't. Anyways, I went partially deaf (hopefully it's only temporary) on friday, but I was still able to record my (kinda) new epic song "The Destruction of Something Perfect". It's one of those songs everyone can relate to in some way, god knows I can! Yeesh, so listen to that and pray for my right ear (it's on Otf

The man may have put me down but I'm back for good. NetFirms figured out that my page wasn't a business page and shut me down. SO I came Angelfire who is awesome and wants me to put up mp3s. So, I have a new preview, it's for all of those who wanted me to go back to my roots (if I have any) it's called Electronic Skip and I had these 3 songs I wanted everyone to hear so at the end of it I played them on top of each other, it's an odd effect. So check out the song.

Ok, today I finally did some recording and a little mixing! I recorded and mixed a preview to my new Surf Rock song called "My Calculator is Often Distracted Because it Has A Crush On My Cell Phone (And She Isn't Even that Pretty!)". I think I'm gonna put it up on the site soon for all to hear. If I get good feedback I'll continue with it and make it a full song. I also recorded the new version of "Highscore" which now has the coolest ending. And besides that not much else goin' on, except for this I just "Faxandu" the first Speedy Monz album and it rocks like no other, so tell Ben Greenberg to make you a copy. Anyways, I'll Catch Ya'll On The Flip Side.

I finally finished the site and I'm happy you came, I knew you would. I'm still working on the links and video page, so just wait butt munch.Anyways, I've been doing lots of recording of myself and other artists, so you can expect more music soon. But for now, I have 3 songs on all of which rock like nothing else. So download download download. I've also signed up to play for benefit concert at Ethical Culture, and with your help I may be able to get the gig. More info later.

Note to self: hurry your a$$ up with this damn page!