Choose Her Fate
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What's New:

(June 25 2002) The 5th installment of Yoko's Story is up.

(June 24 2002) Wooo!  It took a whole two months to get to 9 votes!  Even though we didn't get to the 10th vote yet, the poll shows that you readers don't want to see any rape scene on 5th installment no matter what the 10th voter choose, so I am going to continue the story.  I should have the new installment done within the coming 72 hours.

(April 29 2002) The 4th installment of Yoko's Story is up. 

(April 9 2002) Finally find some time to finish the illustration for the 3rd installment of Yoko's Story.  I also fixed some bugs on the site.  For instance, some pages were forcing people to install Chinese character encoding.  The problem should be fixed now.  Let me know if it's the other way round.

(April 2 2002) The 3rd installment of Yoko's Story is up.  It's slow, but finally the vote count gets to 8 for Part 2 of "Yoko story".  I decided to move forward since no matter what happen to the last 2 count, the "Not say a thing, and start cutting open Yoko's bra top in pieces." option will be the winner anyway.  Please tell others about this site, for it's more fun when more people vote.

 (Mar 22 2002) Things are getting really slow these days.  Maybe I need to do something.....

(Feb 26 2002) Horrible things happened as I found out that the 2nd poll was not working.  It should be OK now.  I also added a guestbook (click the link at the bottom of the page), so you guys can say things anonymously.  Hope that will encourage people to notify me when there's something wrong with the site .....

(Feb 22 2002) The 2nd Installment of Yoko's story is up.  Once again, please decide Yoko's destiny.  10 votes and I will move on.

(Feb 21 2002) Thanks for everyone who voted!  Check the result!  The 2nd installment of the story will be posted before Saturday Feb 23 2002 midnight, and by that time please come and decide Yoko's fate again!

(Feb 20 2002)
Add some links in the Explain section.  2 counts to go .....

(Feb 17 2002)
I knew I was expecting too much when I asked for 100 votes for my first story.  So I am lowering the counter to 10 votes.  I want to keep the story rolling and not letting those who voted down.  In fact, I was all expected the "Tear off" choice to be the winner and started continuing the story until to I saw the new poll this morning.  Well, the rule is the rule.  I have to write the "other" way if that's what you guys want .....  I also figured out a way to do a clean scan of my sketch into Photoshop so hopefully we will have a better illustration next time (believe me, the original sketch is much better).

I also need to find a mechanism to notify you guys if a story is ready to move on or the site is down in the future later.  Let me know if you have any idea that works with AngelFire (or other free hosting site). 


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