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As I said you little punk, welcome. Click Here to listen to my favorite song: You're Not Alone, by Nobuo Uetmatsu.

: I've finished uploading the new images in the Final Fantasy 7 image section. They look really sweet, check them out, and be ready for new images to come, and Final Fantasy 5 and 6 sections.

Hi. Everybody calls me Angel Slayer. If you ever need help on an FF game, just e-mail me at: Also, I'm really looking for affiliates. You don't have to have a banner, and you don't even have to have a Final Fantasy site. Just e-mail me if you would like to be put up on my site.

TOP SITES: This is where I put all affiliates and my favorite sites.
: This is a very good looking site about Dragonball and Dragonball Z. You can really tell that the webmaster put alot of effort into building this website and I think it deserves to be put up here.
: I really think this is a nice site. It has lots of pictures of Final Fantasy 9 characters, a very elegant thingie on the front page, and plenty of other stuff.
: Obviously, this is a Perfect Dark website. It's very nice probably because I made their banner and set the font and font color. Anyways, it has more than you would expect from an average PD site and go there because they have like no hits, the only reason I'm affiliating with them is because they're my friends.
Damian's Final Fantasy Page: This is definitely a cool site. It has all the stuff you need for Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, and 10. Really good, I highly recommend this site for Final Fantasy media and other stuff.
Final Fantasy 7 Beyond: Really nice site for Final Fantasy 7, the frames make it really impressive. It's a very good source for everything on Final Fantasy 7, but i've seen better media. Overall, cool.