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The most popular quotes were:
Buffy: "The hardest thing in this world is to live in it."
Angel: "You still my girl?"
Willow: "That's right, puppy, Willow's gonna make you bark."
Xander: "Did anyone else just go to a scary visual place?"
Cordelia: "I'm an actress. I can fake it."
Giles: "Try not to bleed on my couch, I've just had it steam cleaned."
Oz: "I mock you with my monkey pants!"
Spike: "Bloody hell woman, you're cutting off my circulation!"
Drusilla: "The moon ... it whispers."
Anya: "Bunnies! It must be bunnies!"
Faith: "Five by five."
Doyle: "Get a job, you lazy sow!"
Lorne: "Hello. Martyr complex?"
No votes received for the other characters.

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~ helygen ~

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