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welcome to CMN don't about the name cos its embarrassing. any way this sites about are amazing games we play and also sometimes own at. I've only done a few pics and if the pic of our web team aint on by today tomorrow when were assed.
wpe2.jpg (26004 bytes) m0nk3y1.jpg (24342 bytes)
Right so then what is CMN its a clan! not any clan oh no. you don't show your name any way. cos we don't like pretenders. the games we play? Aliens versus Predator 2, Ultima Online, Red Faction and also HW. so who's in this clan? blegh and m0nk3y(simon) Smish(andy) Asarios(alex) also m0nk3y plays hw as the name wingzerobib >:). for those that don't know what those games are fuck off you're on the wrong site :).  right then what we done so far well first clan praccys on Monday. andy and simon are in think Alex is Jason could be. not too bad for a load of drunks. were going to mainly practice playing avp2 for the moment. going to have to teach them all how to play as marines Alex and jay are good as them andy is ok. so I just got to show them how to own and that's it.

 in other news. Simons going to start exercising. yes you heard it starting with his weights in his room to running and press ups and sit ups and some bike riding. time to get in shape once again. Plus simon now has a pet snake it rules!!! time to show the people it >=]








Right this is Alex's and Andy's side of the site. when they want to they can update it.

these are the members of the clan so far:





