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I run a shadowrun campaign thats kind of on hold right now. We have had some good times. The group specializes in being ambitious about taking on difficult assignments. They have a tendancy to accomplish missions using not-so-subtle means. Fortunatly, they have not yet become too well known for this. Below are the names of the characters in my campaign and a little bit about them.

Check out The Shadow Journal to see whats going on in the campaign and with the group.

Raynor: (Elf Mercenary, Played by Matt) Even though Raynor tends to be one of the more level headed members of the group. However, he still can never resist the opportunity to use his burst fire shotgun. Everytime he shoots it its like a kid in a candy store. He seems to giggle every time it happens. This often results in the typical high tempo run the team knows and loves so much. Raynor is comming to be known as a fairly good sniper as well.

Corbin: (Ork Mage, Played by Matt) Even tempered as well Corbin tries to use things like "Game Plans" and "Strategy" to accomplish his objectives. However he is usually the one to shake his head in disbelief as to how the team could "screw it up again" and try to bail them out. He acts as scout, medic, and magical firepower. Corbin has recently accuired a wherehouse appartment where he is now stepping up his magical research. He has utilized a sophisicated conventional and magical security system to deter and occupy intruders. This place also serves as a secondary base for the team.

Qaz: (Minotaur Ass Kicker, Played by Barry) Qaz the homosexual minotaur has always been looking for love in all the wrong places. It was probably this search that led him to a life of crime and Shadowrunning. Qaz is the teams point man and one man army. He takes on all the physically tough stuff. His favorite technique is to get as close as possible and fire his panther assault cannon. This technique is very effective and Qaz has been the scourge of many a small store front and building.

Spyda: (Elf Assasin, Played by Greg) Unfortunatly, Spyda is probably the closest the group gets to an intellectual. he is the only member of the group that manages to keep a low profile more than half of the time. He has had a long career of high professionalism and mission sucess. Spyda has two favorite toys. The first is a one of a kind Stealth suit that renders him almoast completely invisable to visual, ultraviolet, and infra-red light. using this suit Spyda usually can delay the average time till all hell breaks loose to over five minutes. The second toy is a vintage classic 1997 Supra Twin Turbo. It features, among many other things, completly autonomas auto-pilot, liquid fuel rocket boosters, and liquid crystal digital dispay windows for improved armor. This car is almoast impossible to catch and is built like a tank, being virtually impervious to attack from the outside. So obvoiusly my favorite thing to do as gamemaster is to steal it.

Rancor: (Dwarf Rigger, Played by Jessie) Rancor has a hard time making friends. And even though she has recently managed to double her charisma(from 1 to 2), she still has a bad attitude and hasnt mastered the whole "hygene" thing yet. She is more comfortable working on her and the groups fleet of cars and drones. She uses them very effectivly and is, herself, a one-woman army. She also is the main spender of the group money becasue her toys tend to be the first things, besides the opposition, to blow up.

THE NERDS: These members named as such becasue they all seem to come up with nerdy plans, ideas, and just tend to be all around nerds.

Leonardo D.: (Rich Wanker, Played by Louis) Leonardo D.(what the "D" stands for is anyones guess) is probably the head nerd and a nerd that the group would probably have a hard time doing without. You see Leo has money, lots of money. Leo is a rich, shallow, conceded, arrogent, mess of a man. He has a very large estate that he is constantly throwing huge parties on. His favorite past-times in this order are: Crusing for babes at his parties, Getting wasted at his parties, and Shadowrunning. For this reason Leo's relationship with the rest of the group is tenuouse at best. He mainly keeps them around for his amusement, a relationship the group is more than willing to maintain for the use of his pad, money and contacts. Leo drives a vintage 2001 Doge Viper with machine guns that pop out of the head lights(his idea of the perfect shadowrunning vehicle). He calls it the Pimp Ride.This car creates almoast as much trouble as Qaz.

Nemekus: (Troll Jack of all Trades, Played by Brett) Nemekus is probably the most level headed of all the nerds. He is a jack of all trades, the extra man that the party needs to get any job done, and he usually solves more problems than he creates. He's got all the standard boom booms in his arsenal in addition to his formadable muscular and magical powers. He tends to favor summoning elementals to do all his really dangerous work. Nemekus is the only one in the group that has figured out that staying out of the line of fire tends to improve ones overall health dramatically.

Slitherbot: (Elf Fight Starter, Played by Trev) Slitherbot's real name is Kent Zonestar(His mother calls him Keneth), something that he is continuosly riddiculed for. The Zonestar Lineage is a very distinguished one if only nerds could be noteworthy. The constant harrasment has led Slither to over-compensate to prove himself. His latest attempt at this was to buy a tricked out 18-wheeler semi with a full garage and arsenal in the trailer. He calls this monstrosity the Skull Wagon. This trailer also featrues a retractable mount with a Gatling Lazer. Part offensive nightmare part industrial demoltion tool this gun is the way Slither compensates for his "inadequacy". Talk about penis envy. Kent also drives a Classic Ford Mustang Saleen a car that doesn't figure promenanatly in missions lately, but figures prominantly in Kent's Heart.

Rad: (Elf Groupy, Played by Ben) Rad, aka Rad Minkwell, was a world cup soccer player until the world collectivly decided that soccer sucked and turned to more entertaining sports like...well...everything. Mic found himself with out a job and turned to a life of crime and shadwrunning to make ends meet. Mic has turned himself into a mercinary with very diverse skills. The problem is that he is not very good at any of them. He irronically, for a time, was the fastest member of the group, having invested heavily early on in state of the art cyberware to boost his body and reflexes. Mic is often overly-underestimated by his enemies. The advantage of this is that Mic tends to look pathetic, and even though he basically is, he's not that pathetic. A fine point that gives him just enough of an edge to win. Mic's strength is that he is a thinker. A skill that is in short supply in this group.

Kaina: (Elf Art Thief, Played by Danna) Kaina has untold talents and probably the most diverse career history. She has done it all, starting out as a special opperations team leader for a corporation that will remain nameless for now, she was shocked at the uncomprimizing brutality of her employer. Escaping this employment, she and her sister were the only one's who made it out alive. Not knowing any other skill she and her sister went into shadowrunning. Together they used their skills to steal art, carry our assasinations and protect individuals that could afford their expensive services. They do this work with a sence of style and morality using their diverse skills of of disguize. Infact with all their partying and lust for accesorizing, its hard ot know what they will look like from day to day.

Gabriel: (Elf Otaku Decker, Played by the Game Master) Gabirel is just trying to survive on the streets when he got a calling from his Net-Deity to help out and serve this shadowruning group. His motives will probably be revealed at a later time. Right now his favorite thing to do is raiding Leo's fridge and to hack seemingly impossible systems.

I will probably post info on upcoming Shadowrun dates and locations here so stop by and take a look.
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