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The Sims Online Explosion
--Mount Fuji's #1 source--
--SOHO Center--Sims:Up Close and Personal--About TSO--Property Ads--
So, you enjoy The Sims. You play it all the time. After awhile, it gets boring. Why? Because it's the same thing, over and over and over. Get up, go to work, come home, get needs up, go to sleep. Unless you have the money code. That makes it more fun. For an hour. So eventually you get bored and buy an expansion pack. Those are generally the same thing, but with more items. So it gets boring, again, after awhile. So you're thinking, 'Why can't they make this more fun?!'. Well guess what. They did.

It's called The Sims Online. It's a huge online community for all Sims lovers. Instead of interacting with Sims YOU have created, you're interacting with other people's Sims, and guess what? They talk to you! That's right, just type in what you need to say and hit enter. A speech bubble appears, and everyone there can see it. But to find out more about gameplay, and how to get going, you need to go to the About TSO page up there. I will tell you, though, that the game costs $10.00 a month, but the good thing is, the first month is free! It's included in the cost of the game, so if you don't like it (cough cough impossible cough) you can always return it for no money loss. Unless the store you bought it from says no returns. Then you're in trouble.

So, I'll tell you about the links up there.

Sims:Up Close and Personal- General information about one of the Sims I have created. If you want, you can send me information about your sim and I will put it up here. Send it to Be sure to include your Sim's name, bio, what city he lives in, and anything else you'd want up there.

News- An daily account of the news of TSO, and another section within that for site news.

About TSO- General information about TSO and how to play it. How to get started, and things like that.

Property Ads- Free service! Just send your property's name and a short description to the e-mail above and I'll put it on that page for free! But, if you'd like to show your thanks, I'm always accepting simoleans ;). Just look at the Sims:UCaP page for my Sim's info :).

That's all for now! I will probably eventually get a chat room and message board. Thanks for dropping by!