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Posted Sunday, February 22, 2004 by John
Hmm...another day another time, same place as always...why do I always only remember to update this when I am remembering my past. *sigh* I guess this is my life and how it will always be. Well hope you enjoy looking around. Peace my dear travelers.
Posted Wednesday, December 10, 2003 by John's me again...goody...*sits in his dark corner looking to you under the shadows....* I'm adding a new little section that will only appear on the Main page, so is life and life is hell and no one deserves to live cause as hell we need to just die to come back once more to not live again....that's me....peace...
Posted Saturday, July 12, 2003 by John
Hmm....I added some new images and stuff. They are at the bottom of this page is one of them and the other is in the intro page...well peace out.
Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2003 by John
Another week gone by and a few more updates...mainly the like to my guestbook thing and the updates on the Past page...other than is the same old hell...thanks, peace
Posted Tuesday, June 17, 2003 by John update in a little over a month, but I got bored and things just happen so I decided to note it down in here and shyt so yea....I added things to the Past section and I am gonna be adding some more things threw out the next few weeks so...yeah....peace
Posted Saturday, May 3, 2003 by John
Sorry for no update in forever and a day, how some AoL problems then got it back and now gonna change this site to something there won't be anymore rpg on it for a long while...Peace out.
Posted Wednesday, November 6, 2002 by John
Greetings once again, For thoughs of you who have played in my RPGs before I re-welcome you again. For the new ones that have not seen my rpgs, I have made many and run many. I should be done with all of this by the end of the week if everything goes well. I hope to see you all within it, See ya later.

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