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Well At Least I Have A Website...Where's Yours?

Welcome to atleastihaveawebsite (The best part of this site would probably be the banners at the top. )

On the site you will find useless trivia,the most awful jokes i could make up, band combos,and more

just plain ol JUNK.


1. Why did i put this site up?

well everyone else has a site......besides, this could turn into a HUGE cash cow.

2. Why are there penguins on the front of this site?

Over the ages, many have struggled with this question. No one knows for sure and i would rather not speculate on this matter. The answer to this question will remain a fantastic mystery alongside such wonders as Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids, and Celine Dion.

3. No. really, why did i put this site up?!

To share with you fine folks:

Band Combos
(if i could, i would combine these favorite artists to create New supergroups)

Wack Jokes
