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Fort Osage Parents as Teachers


Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a family education and support program that begins prenatally-the onset of learning-and extends to the age of five. This early intervention program is based on the beliefs that parents are the first and most influential teachers of their children and that the early years lay the foundation for children's success in school and in life.

In the first few years, children learn more and at a much faster pace then at any other time in life. Through PAT, parents acquire knowledge and skills to make the most of these crucial, early learning years. The program provides timely information on child development; involves parents in parent-child activities that encourages language development, intellectual growth, social development and motor skills; and strengthens parent-child relationships.


The 1999 Parents as Teachers Born to Learn Curriculum offers a new and unique approach to parenting education by bridging the gap between neuroscience and education to enhance parenting and improve outcomes for young children.

Parents as Teachers is designed to provide guidance and support to families of all configurations and life circumstances, including teen parents. Services are adapted to meet individual family needs. The program provides the following services:


Personal Visits. PAT certified parent educators, trained in child development and home visiting, help parents understand and have appropriate expectations for each stage of their child's development. They offer practical ideas on ways to encourage learning and interact with children.


Group Meetings. Parents meet to enhance parenting knowledge, gain new insights and share their experiences, common concerns and successes. Group meetings also provide families the opportunity to participate in parent-child activities. Group meetings are offered at three separate locations throughout the district: Career and Technology Center, Buckner Community School and Hawthorne Place Apartments. Parents are notified of dates and times in a monthly newsletter throughout the school year.


Development Screenings. Parents as Teachers offers monthly screenings of overall development, health, and vision to provide early detection of potential problems and prevent later difficulties in school. It is recommended that all children be screened on a yearly basis.

Resource Network. Families are helped to access other needed community services that are beyond the scope of the PAT program.


If you are expecting or have a child birth to age five and would like to enroll or receive more information about Fort Osage Parents as Teachers program, please call 816-650-7190.

2nd Semester

Jan. 8    Buckner Play and Learn 9:30
Jan. 11   Preschool 9-12
Jan. 15   CTC Play and Learn 10:30
Jan. 30   Hawthorn Place Apartments 10:00
Feb. 5    Wings of Love 10:30
Feb. 7    Preschool 9-12
Feb. 12   Buckner Play and Learn 10:00
Feb. 19   CTC Play and Learn 10:30
Feb. 22   Preschool 9-12
Feb. 27   Hawthorne Place Apartments 10:00
Mar. 2    Preschool 9-12
Mar. 5    Buckner Play and Learn 10:00
Mar. 6    Kindergarten Round up 11-7 All Elementary Buildings
Mar. 13   Hawthorn Place Apartments 10:00
Mar. 15   Preschool 9-12
Mar. 19   Spring Fling 10:30 and 6:00
Mar. 27   Kindergarten Screening 11-7 Cler-mont
Mar. 28   Kindergarten Screening 11-7 Elm Grove
Apr. 3    Kindergarten Screening 11-7 Blue Hills
Apr. 4    Kindergarten Screening 11-7 Buckner
Apr. 9    Buckner Play and Learn 10:00
Apr. 11   Make-up Kind. Scr. 9-3 CTC
Apr. 17   Hawthorne Place Apartments 10:00
Apr. 19   Preschool Screening 9-12
Apr. 23   CTC Play and Learn 10:30
May 7     Buckner Play and learn 10:00


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