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catherine's second page

About the Great White Brotherhood

The term refers to a group of ascended beings
and has nothing to do with race, colour or creed.
At the head of the Brotherhood
are such wonderful spirits
as Jesus, Buddha, Lord Krishna and many others.
Another term for the Brotherhood is
the Ancient Mystical Brotherhood.
However, when they talk to me
they always refer to themselves as
the Great White Brotherhood,
so that is why I go with that name.
A Message from the Great White Brotherhood.

We are pleased again to be allowed to speak with you dear ones.

Our message today is a simple one,
that of willingness and acceptance
to the changes that are occurring in your lives.

Some of you are experiencing
terrible difficulties at present,
either in the form of illness or financial difficulties.

Others are finding that relationships are floundering,
no matter how hard they try to hold things together.
Everything you are experiencing just now,
no matter how difficult is for your higher good.

This may indeed be a bitter pill to swallow,
but know that no matter how alone you may feel,
you are not.
We on the other side of the veil
do understand and appreciate the problems you face.

Two things to remember here,
we cannot help if you do not ask us for our assistance.
We are always here for you.
The other is to trust
that an answer/assistance for you will arrive.
Be vigilant,
but do not ask for assistance
with an outcome/answer in mind.
Please always ask that help
may be given for your highest good,
which is what we always serve to undertake
on your behalf.

Having complete faith, is a goal to strive for.
We appreciate that those qualities
that make you so wonderfully human
can indeed make this
a very difficult concept for you.

But ask yourselves,
why would your Father/Mother in Heaven,
the angels, ascended masters and spirit guides
not hold you
in highest regard and deep love?

Why can you so easily believe a person
when they say something bad to you
or about you?
Yet if a person tells you how wonderful you are,
you become embarrassed,
or make a "yeah but" comment.
Why and when are you going to learn
to love yourselves and see yourselves
as the beautiful wonderful spiritual souls that you are?

When are you going to put your arms
around yourselves and give yourselves a big hug,
telling yourself how magical you are
and how much you love yourself.

God always sees you in your perfect form,
it is now time
that you devoted
a portion of your day
complementing yourself
on all the wonderful things
that you have achieved,
and thanking God for all the good
he has performed through you.
Instead of chastising yourself for not doing X, Y and Z.

To love with a true and perfect heart,
means that you have to also love yourself
with a true and perfect heart.
For if you do not truly love yourself,
what can you offer to another?

(You can only offer a version
of what you think to be love,
but it will never be completely true and unconditional.)

With these thoughts dear ones, we will leave you today.

Be Still And Know That I AM GOD,
and that I reside
within each and every one of you.

As I reside in each and every one of YOU,
how can you be anything less than perfect?

With true love and perfect understanding.

Your brothers and sisters of the Great White Brotherhood.

Re: Catherine Seiler 20th of December,1999

email me at

catherine's third page
catherine's fourth page
catherine's prayer poetry
Page created by Big Bear
22nd of December,1999.

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