02.01.05 - Tuesday - 5:00 P.M. Deleted some of the quiz results where the pictures weren't working too well. Then I got fed up.
01.23.05 - Sunday - 7:13 P.M. Finished the layout!!! Yayness!! Some stuff has been moved...like the guestbook (sign it!) and I also added some links and...yeah...this took a long time.
01.22.05 - Saturday - 3:05 P.M. Well, I've spent the past like, two and a half hours working on a new layout...I was using the Joined page to test it so that page is gonna be fucked up till I finish it and put it on the rest of the website. Oh, and my email address changed. Anyway, I'd better go like, eat breakfast and stuff...heh. Maybe I'll finish this later.
12.03.04 - Friday - 11:48 P.M. Changed the layout!! Wahoo!! Took me forEVER...the font size is still a little messed up in some places, and there are some other things I wanted to change but at the moment I'm too lazy...seriously this layout took like, hours...soo you'll just have to wait another three months till I update again *smirks* actually winter break is in two weeks...so...we'll see.
08.30.04 - Monday - 5:56 P.M. One new quiz result.