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All About Me

Boring Stuff

Full Name Sabrina Alyzica Voss
Nicknames Juicy juice, Bri, Sab, Brat
Birthday September 10, 1987
Hometown Pompano Beach, FL
High School Lecanto High School '05
Where am I now? University of Florida
Work Assistant Front End Manager at Winn Dixie
Screen name gatorcherries13

My Favorites

Favorite Color Blue (silky blue is the best)
Favorite Movie Eurotrip
Favorite Music anything, depending on what kind of mood I'm in
Favorite Food Water and Gum
Favorite Store Victoria Secret & ANYPLACE THAT HAS A SALE
Favorite Day Friday
Favorite People Allicia, Stefanie, Casey, Jessica, Robert, Brian
Favorite Candy Mr. Goodbar
Favorite Place Mall
Where I want to travel Arizona, California, Bahamas, Australia (to snorkel the reef)
What I want to do with my life Open my own resturants (plural)
First- "After the Game"- my sports bar in Gainesville
Favorite Quote "It's definitely a blowjob and a half."
"That's hot."
"What would you do without me?"
"Looks like the short bus is making it's rounds today."