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Alrite finally posted up my first entry in xanga. Go there instead. Those that come here should know how to get there.
Monday 12:15AM


Hmm...Got no time to update here. Gonna start up a page in xanga instead. so hit this page up in a week or so to find a link to my xanga.
hmmm....wonder who actually comes here anyway. probably noone any more oh well.
Wenesday 9:36PM


Motive shatterd once reality seen
Life is Life
Step by step day by day
Time resumes
Thus with it I follow blindly
Yet total darkness nolonger
Now life seems bearable

Damn freakin sprint man. Got a two year contract for 50 a month. Came home and found out that it doesn't work inside my house. wtf yo. Leave my place and still only two bars. whatever. Gonna cancel it tmw and sign up with AT&T or Verizon. Only thing that sucks though is that I won't be keepin the same nbr. Cause my current plan is under somebody's else's name. And she needs to be there for me to transfer names. Oh well. A new nbr isn't too bad. That's my highlight of the day. Lookin for a phone. Yeah yeah think what ya'll want.

On another note:
Dude, the closer I get the farther my objective soars. Once I reach a certain terrain an alarm sounds, signaling for excape. Oh well I guess I have no control over that what is done. I still believe that I can reach that peak, thus I abandon all other choices. All that has done for me is shield me from understanding.

Yea this don't really make sense only to me. That's probably for the better. My world, my thoughts. That's all I ever need.
Thursday 11:30PM


Motive shatterd once reality seen
Dreams lie within their pieces
Past excuses can't hold truth
Emptiness decides my feelings
Thus progression stalled no longer

Dude stayed up the whole night. Haven't done that in awhile. Tryin to change the bkgd for this site. But kinda hard when you don't have any skill's in creating wallpapers. Tryin to put up a 240sx wallpaper but now probably not.

On another note
The one thing that I've been searchin for has finally appear. Just the outcome isn't want I was lookin for. Just that one hope has kept me walkin forward. It has sheilded me from fallin in my darkness. Yet now that barrier has crumbled. Only a matter of time til I feel the shadows overcome me and the pain of past surge through me once again. Yet there maybe one thing that may delay my untimely tumble. The bond of friends. I believe that the guys will keep me from strumbling. Just hope the bond haven't been weaken too badly.
Friday 6:42AM

Progression requires movement
Thus one step forward
Yet two back
Still I wonder
When will I walk beside others

Just gotta remind myself:

No one is gonna help you. No one cares if you're succesful or not. Just get your ass up

Besides Skill takes pratice.
Tuesday 11:24PM

Felton Pictures Trip Pictures