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  Now for some travelogue, well not exactly informative, just sharing my
  travel experiences while in London..

  Was in London for around a year, it was my first overseas travel and
  was a great experience..

  Well, London..silly its a great place..fairytale like houses, lovely gardens; and yes        
   the London bridge..

  The places I loved the most are the london bridge, tower bridge, trafalgar square, 

  Regents Park (its got 1000s of roses)..( will put the pictures shortly..)

  Paris was my first trip from London, it was a great feeling, never dreamt of it..and it     
  was a paisa vasool trip. The view from Eiffel Tower (height of 324 meters) in the 

  night is awesome ; fittingly one of the wonders of the world. Also so the Louvre      museum which has amongst other artefacts, the Monalisa !!! Then there was DisneyLand, Arc de Triomphe.

Myself at Disneyland with all the Gear !!!

Monalisa at the Louvre Museum !!!

Then it was Belgium, a small and beautiful country..we visited Bruges, Brussels- the capital city,  place worth visiting is Mini Europe. Located at the foot of the Atomium, it has got  

  the sight seeing places from all over Europe. So in a way I saw the whole 

  of Europe..

Pics from Mini Europe

Pics from Mini Europe

Pics from Mini Europe

  Hope yu guys are nt bored as yet..for there is Copenhaven, Capital of Denmark...

  who can forget the little mermaid and then there is a different and a small country 

  within this city..the dark side which did intrigue us and we did visit it..

  And last but nt the least there is Italy, which we visited during our christmas break..

  Rome, Pisa, Florence and Venice.
  Venice, is a city on water, just mindblowing, the Grand Canal, Gondola boat ride, ..
  And of course there is Rome, with lots of fountains and fountains and fountains, 

  there is a wishing fountain, there is a folklore which says that if you put a coin in 

  this fountain, you will visit Rome again !! and lots of heritage buildings and the 

  Vatican City.

  Venice..with the houses by the canal !!!


  The Gondola ride in the bylanes of Venice

Christmas time in Venice

Kabotar Khana in Venice

  Hope you guys enjoyed this brief European Tour, of all the places I would recommend Venice which did remind of the backwaters of Kerala..