Thanks to CRene for the banner!


I guess I should put a warning here: Some of the stories contain adult material. They are all rated, so if you are under the age of 18, please don't read those with NC-17 ratings! Of course, I have no way of stopping you...


Update! Yup, it's been a while since I've stopped by here. I'm bad, I know. Just don't hurt me. I just finished grad school last month, I'm leaving my job at the end of July, and moving in August. Overall, I've been pretty busy.

My new hang-out, minus stories and poems, is over at Myspace. Yeah, I had to join the masses. Come check out my page!

In the meantime, I might one day write something else to put up here, but for now, my 150+ page story is my work of art.

-June 25th, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving!

Life has been so crazy lately that I've been having trouble keeping up with it myself. It has been a busy semester at school, but a good one. Things are still the same as ever at work; sometimes busy, sometimes boring, but always good people. We did handle the closing for Caps rookie Alexander Ovechkin's new house a few weeks ago, and I was able to get an autograph from him. My sister-in-law gave birth to Anna Elise back in August, so I now have three nieces and a nephew. I've also been "dating" my downstairs neighbor, a pilot, since just after Labor Day. And though I am almost never sick, I have been repeatedly sick since mid-October, and I just can't seem to shake whatever it is off. All in all, I've had my hands full lately.

I have been writing when I can, but nothing new to post. I've been working mostly on my non-fiction piece, which was supposed to be short, but it is now over 100 pages. Hopefully I'll be able to post something new in the near future, though.

-November 23, 2005


Yeah, I know, I promised to have my new NCIS fic up a while ago, but I got distracted with life. So sue me, or not, since you wouldn't get much. I've got about a month left of my summer vacation, and I think I've finally gotten used to having this thing called "free time." Took long enough. It's been a good summer, though. I've spent a lot of time at work, some time with family and friends, and had a lot of fun. Even had my own summer fling, for a while (don't ask me what happened because I don't really know).

I have been writing like crazy. I've taken a break from my other NCIS fic to work on a new original, non-fiction piece. I'm also revising and making major changes to "Want You Back." I haven't given up on the NCIS fic; it's just on the back burner. I've had the idea for a long time, it can wait for a little longer.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their summer, too!

-July 30, 2005


Another semester has come and gone, and thank goodness it's over!! I thought it would never end! I might actually get some of my sanity back now. I managed to finish all my papers, projects, and presentations for school on time, and even though I was working full-time, I kept my straight A average. I just got back from an all too short vacation. I spent some time with my brother, sister-in-law and kids in Alabama, and then went down to Richmond to spend a few days with my grandparents. Been nice, and I wish it was longer. I don't really feel like going back to work.

On the writing side of things, I have actually been writing again. Woohoo! I haven't done too much on the original fiction front, but with the ending of JAG, I have jumped genres over to NCIS. I've got my first NCIS fic up, and two more in the works. Check it out!

-May 30, 2005


It's been a really long time since I updated this thing. My apologies. Time is just flying by now. One word to describe my life these days: busy. That word just isn't big enough. I'm working thirty-five plus hours a week and in school ten hours a week, so I don't have much time for anything else. But on the bright side I've got my own place now and a 4.0 GPA (now watch me ruin that!). I haven't had much time for writing... well, I haven't had any time for writinig in a very long time. Hence the lack of an update. I've got one more JAG fanfic to put up, and it's probably the last of its kind. C'est la vie.

-March 24, 2005

Oh yeah, my sister-in-law is pregnant with baby number four! Better her than me, right now!


Been a while since I added anything here... But life has been busy! A whole semester has passed in the mean time. I've also since graduated from college with my Bachelor's degree in psychology and been accepted to grad school. I'll be studying Biodefense at George Mason University. For the summer, I'm working full-time at my dad's company. I spent a lot of time working there this last semester as well. I got my belly button pierced, something I've wanted to do for a long time, but I had to take it out. Obssessive people shouldn't get body piercings. I'm also going to work on trying to get some stories published, so some of my non-fanfiction stuff might be coming down in the near future. Other than that, no major changes for the time being.

-May 22nd, 2004


I know I should be studying for final exams, but I honestly don't think my brain can take much more. I have a ton of other things to do, but I decided I'd take the time and put a few new things up. So, take a look! Happy Holidays!

-December 7th, 2003


Okay, no new stories as of yet and I haven't been able to put any poems up, since I haven't finalized them yet, but I did just want to say that my niece was born today! Madelin joins big sister Lindsay (3) and big brother John (1)! I'm so excited and wished we still lived closer so I could go see her!

-October 13th, 2003


All of the stories listed have now been posted. I do have more that I plan to post at some point in the future, when I get the time. Also, I have been writing poetry again, thanks to my Creative Writing class, and I do intend to post some of that, as well. However, school and life have been keeping me busy. No third baby yet, but my brother and his family have moved 680 miles away, so I am frequently out of town to visit them. And the hockey season is about to begin, which has got me excited. But I will continue to update the site as I have time.

-October 4th, 2003


Welcome to my homepage! After all the whining and moaning I did recently about having to take a third Introduction to Computers course for school, I'm actually putting it to good use by creating this. It's simple, yes, but it's also free and my space is limited, so forgive me for being simple.

I will take a moment and tell you a little about myself. I'm a Senior at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. I'm a psychology major, but I don't know what I'm going to do with my degree when I graduate next year. At some point, I'll probably end up at grad school, but I plan on figuring out what I want to do first.

My one and only brother is married with two kids and a third on the way. My niece, Lindsay, and my nephew, John, are two of the most important people in my life. Lindsay just celebrated her third birthday in July and John will be a year old in September. The third child is due to make her (or so the ultrasounds lead us to believe) appearance in October. I enjoy every moment I get to spend with them. I also like to brag about them, so forgive me for going on about them.

In my spare time, I love going to hockey games. I am a loyal supporter of the Washington Capitals, no matter how badly they choke in the Play-offs. While hockey games eat a lot of my money, I also spend a lot of it on concerts. I love seeing some of my favorite bands perform live and the experience is best shared with good friends. I also love to read and write when I get the chance. No matter where I am or what I'm doing and no matter how busy I get, I love to be in the middle of a good book and have several stories in progress. It keeps the mind active!

-July 26th, 2003

