Our Life in Pictures

The Kids 2012. . .

Let the fun of a new year begin!

The Kids 2011. . .

The photo links to the second half of 2011. The first half can be found here

The Kids 2010. . .

Keeping up with two separate websites for Addison and Ziggy was getting to be a real pain so I have combined them into one.

Addison Angeline, March 31, 2009. . .

The most amazing day of our lives was the day our daughter was born. She is perfect in every way and we are so very happy. Click to see what our sweetie is up to these days.

We are expecting again, EDD: February 14, 2011. . .

We are excited to be expecting another baby. I'm feeling like hell right now and hope that part passes soon so I can enjoy some of this pregnancy. I'm also hoping it goes better than last time!!!

Squirt, EDD: April 7, 2008. . .

We had a pregnancy full of ups and downs before our little Squirt finally arrived safely. Click for all the nasty details.

We Are Building a House!. . .

Check out the progress on our house as it happens.

Christmas 2008. . .

We are shopping and wrapping still, but it's almost Christmas time!

One Year Ago Our Angel was Born. . .

We will run and not grow weary, for our God will be our strength, and we will fly like the eagle, we will rise again

New Madeline and Makenzie Page. . .

I have not had time the last, oh year, to keep up with pics. I'm trying again, we'll see how long it lasts! I started a new combined Madeline and Makenzie page, check it out!

She's HERE!!!. . .

Savannah was born on Tuesday, September 2, 2008, at 6:17 am. She is amazing!!!

Summer 2008. . .

Look what we bought!!!

Florida, May 2008. . .

We took a trip to Orlando and Daytona Beach. We did the usual Griswold trip by hitting every park we could and sleeping very little. It was a great trip. We had a ton of fun and came back feeling very relaxed.

Hawaii, July 2007. . .

We had a wonderful trip to Hawaii's Big Island and Oahu. By far the Bis Island was our favorite, but it was also cool to see Wakiki Beach and Honolulu. Click to see the pics, but I must warn you, it will give you vacation fever!!!

Our time in LA. . .

Here are some pics of the things we have done during our time in LA. It's been nice getting to do fun stuff while we are out here, but boy are we ready to head back home!!! These pics are only the good stuff and don't show the awful people, traffic, smog, attitudes, expensive shit, and ever changing weather. Enjoy and be glad you aren't here, and if you were here, only stayed a week! :).

Garden time. . .

We doubled the size of our garden this year, check it out.

Bahamas Cruise and Disneyworld, March 2007. . .

We had amazing weather our entire vacation. Everything was perfect and I wish we were there right now!!! Madeline and Makenzie were all smiles at Disneyworld. Too cute!!!

Cancun, August 2006. . .

Our trip to Cancun was incredible. The weather was beautiful, the crowds just right, and the drinks were tasty!!!

Jacksonville & Disneyworld, August 2006. . .

This trip marked Madeline's first airplane ride and first trip to Disney. We all had a nice time hanging out on the beach and eating lots of yummy food.

Christmas 2006. . .

I finally have the pics up. I know, it is April, bite me.

Halloween, October 2006. . .

We had a great party this year! There was great food, great (and lots of) drinks, good music, company, and most of all beer pong.

Makenzie Catherine. . .

was born Sept. 12, 2006. Welcome to the wold Makenzie, you are beautiful!!! Click to see pictures of this precious new addition to the family. Congrats to Cheryl, Lance, and Madeline.

Madeline Sue, new pics added (7/31/2006). . .

New pictures of Madeline added. Click to see her enjoying the Evansville museum.

OH and WV Trip, June 2006. . .

Dad, Grandma and Grandpa Tincher, and myself recently took a trip to Ohio and West Virginia. We had a really great time and I learned so much about our family history I never knew. Click here to view the pictures and a couple of stories from our trip.

Chrissy's graduation, May 2006. . .

Here are pictures from my master of science commencement, WOOHOO!!! I officially graduated in December 2005, but graduation wasn't until May of 2006. It was fun to participate and I'm glad I did. The weather was beautiful too, it was a great time!

San Diego and Disneyland, March 2006. . .

We had a great trip and really enjoyed the Wild Animal Park and Disneyland. Click to check out the pictures from our trip.

Christmas 2005. . .

was really nice! We had a great time in Indiana and enjoyed visiting everyone. Click to see pics from Christmas and our sweet presents. :)

Gatlinburg, December 2005. . .

We had a great trip and did a lot of shopping. The Christmas lights were really awesome, despite all the rain and fog.

Chicago, November 2005. . .

sure lived up to its name while we were there! It was chilly and windy and we missed our warm weather back home, but we had a great time and saw lots of cool things. We ate a ton of food too! That is our kind of vacation!

Seattle, July 2005. . .

Click to see pictures from Seattle, WA. We really enjoyed the city, the views, and the weather. It was hard to come home to the nasty heat, but nice to come home and rest. We were worn out!!!

Chrissy is 25, June 2005. . .

And still as young as can be! HEE HEE HEE!!! Everyone came down to see us and party and we had good food, beer, and awesome cake. It was a great birthday weekend. Check out my new swing!

Cheryl's 30th Birthday, May 2005. . .

Cheryl is an old old old woman now. Check out the pictures of her 30th birthday party. It was a really fun time!!!

Misc 2004. . .

This link includes a tasty pile of chicken, a haircut, Thanksgiving dinner, nice grass, pumpkin carving, and New Year's Eve.

Christmas 2004. . .

pictures are finally here. Click to see lots and lots of them!!! We had a great Christmas and enjoyed seeing all that snow.

Josh's 24th, November 2004. . .

Here are the pictures from Josh's 24th birthday. He had a cake in Evansville, a cookie in Nashville, and got Monster truck tickets!!!

Daniel. . .

The latest pictures here are from Chucky Cheese day!!! We all had a fun time, despite the nasty pizza. Daniel didn't like Chucky too much but liked playing in the toddler playhouse.

Gulf Shores, August 2004. . .

Here are the pictures and a little narration for our Gulf Shores vacation. We had a great time, beautiful weather, good food, and couldn't have asked for more!

Summer 2004. . .

This link has boating pictures from August 8, as well as pictures from the 2004 CMA Music Fest. Josh did awesome at work, as usual, so we got free passes.

New Mexico, March 2004. . .

These pictures are from my work trip to New Mexico. It was so beautiful there!!! I had no idea it would be that awesome.

Our babies. . .

I don't know what we would do without our doggies. Here are some pictures of them and our other furnieces and furnephews.

Christmas 2003. . .

We had a very nice Christmas last year.

Misc 2003. . .

These are just random pictures from 2003 including Quentin's famous house shredding, gigantic pancakes, a weekend we had visitors and Lance climbed the bat tower, and when Josh cut my hair!

Tim, Angie, Greta, and Casey. . .

On this link you will find puppy Greta pictures and Tim and Angie's wedding in Oct. 2003.

Las Vegas, July 2003. . .

On July 7, Josh, me, and my mom took a trip to Las Vegas. We didn't come home big winners but had a fantastic time.

Our wedding, May 31, 2003. . .

was 3 years ago. Time sure went fast!!! We will keep these pictures on here probably forever though so no worries. There are a ton of pictures on here!

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