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Although I have other lower level characters also, these are the three I play most of the time.  My other characters are Lyricaa,  a level 16 bard; Luvyena, a level 20 ranger; Elsabeth, a level 20 enchanter; and Jakailex, my trader, a level 16 monk.

          Shmoopy Rumdrinker is a level 56 Barbarian Shaman.  In game, she is married to my real-life husband's character, Captinron Rumdrinker.  Shmoopy was one of the first characters I created and is still the one I most enjoy playing.

          Babyshmoopy Honeysweetie is a level 42 Dark Elf Cleric.  Although a worshipper of Innoruuk, overall she is still generally friendly - except to rangers, whom she likes to sacrifice.

          Mischevia Miniminx is a Gnome Rogue but I play her as a Dark Elf.  Mischevia is the character I play when I want a break from mana and casting spells and just feel like stabbing something in the back!  Mischevia's surname was originally Minimilf, but apparently that offended someone, and it was taken away from her.