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A look into my life.

Jason Davidson was born on April 18th,1983 at 12:56 pm. at South Chicago Hospital. 9 pounds 3 ounces greeted by his mother, father, and sister upon entering this world. At an early age I found my self being interested in everything technical. I was constantly taking things apart and putting them back together not neccesarily making them work again. Although very bright i did not like doing school work i preferred to do my own things like drawing, playing video games and sports. During junior high it was then that i realized that i wanted to get involed with computers. My first computer in my house ran on dos so i had to actually read instruction something i hate doing. Once i reached high school i started getting out of computers only because the ones in our school were so over the hill they could'nt run a decent program. At the end of my highschool years i decided that i would go to DeVry for computer science but DeVry lacked the creative side that i was looking for so i searched else where. I am now a student at the International Academy of Design and Technology where i major in Interactive Media. I still plan on doing game design in the future but first iwill learn other skills required for a more prosperous life..