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  • Demo 2 CD Recorded
  • Adv. Copy of "Ordinary" made
  • Website up
    The Band
  • Cory Lewis: Bass Guitar -=- Backup Vocals
  • Brian Huggins: Drums -=- Backup Vocals
  • Todd: Rhythm Guitar -=- Backup Vocals
  • A.J.: Lead Vocals
  • Chase: Lead Guitar

    Behind the Curtains

  • Jeff: Manager
  • Lance: Head of Merchandizing
  • Brad: Head Roadie
  • Blaine: Head Comedic Relief


  • Jeff: Head Webmasta'
  • Cory: Guy with info
  • Brian: Webmaster

    Lil' Bit about Far From Over:

    A.J. (Lead Vocals)

    A.J. grew up in the small town of Alcester, South Dakota; pop. 843. He often compares it to Mayberry. He attended Alcester-Hudson High School through his freshman year. In the summer of 2000, he moved to Tuscaloosa to live with his dad. Not long after enrolling at Tuscaloosa County High School, A.J. met Cory, who told him about this band that he was in, and asked him if he wanted to join. Since he had always had a love for music, A.J. jumped at the chance. All it took was one practice for the members of the band to pick up on the chemistry between them all. Since then, members have come and gone, but, according to A.J., the five permanent members are now together, and here to stay.

    Lately, he didn't think that he could do screaming, but some friends told him that he could do it if he tried. He practiced and finally let his friends hear him, and they were all over it. If you ever get the chance to hear the current version of "Get Away", A.J.'s screaming voice shines in it very well. A friend of his is a big "metal head" and loves to scream. He can hear a scream and tell you the moment it comes out of the singers mouth if its good or not. When A.J. did his scream in concert at Cave 9 on 9/13/2003, this friend of his was staring in amazement at A.J., followed up with a huge grin and finally some "Hell yeah"s.

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    Chinese Firedrill:
    Status: RELEASED

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