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News 5/6/03

What up dead thugs.Man killa c been droping big news on the site.Man dirty thug is fucken blowing
up big time.Killa gonna be in a movie coming out the cd coming soon.And there might be a new
add on to the inner dirty thug family but that right now is spectulation.More on that laterz.Oh am
be posting up pic soon so be on the look out for that.Thats all for now am out peaceeee.And as
always Keep the Herpes up and The Murd way Up to.


News 4/18/03

What up dead Thugs to the first and only killa c fan site.As you see when u go to Killa site
Dirty Thug
You seen the new massive look well it was time for a change here to so i got a new host and new layout thanks to my homie SliZzo NizZo from ninjasofthelotus he hook it up real good.Well Iam still adding shit but i hope u like.Peace Dirty Thugs Herpes up.