You're only young once, but you can stay immature indefinantly!

My boyfriend and best friend Devin, advisor and most trusted confident, lover and soulmate...a shoulder to cry on, an ear that will listen to my words and a heart that can hear what I don't say. We've together 14 months on the 29th of February (which is actually the 1st of March), these have been the best year and two months of my life. He is one of the few people that understands me, can put up with me, and I can talk to him about anything. He's been there for me through everything over the last two years, even though he didn't have to be. He's stood by me and continues to stand by me no matter what. I love him with all my heart, and Lord willing...we'll be together forever.

The other man in my life ;-) Just kidding! But Andy is my best friend, one I can talk to about anything...the ::other:: person that understands me, and whom I can trust and talk to about anything. I love him so much! He has been there for me through thick and thin; always knew how to make me smile or make me cry - whichever I needed at the moment. Friends forever!

My best girl! Claire's been there for me for the last...what, 5 years? I can't even begin to express what she's done in my life over the last few years, and -- even though I don't get to see her much anymore -- I love her to death and I know we'll be friends for the rest of our lives. Love you girl!

Daniel's been my lifeline at school this year, he came with me to Midlothian from Ovilla and quickly became my best friend at school. I can't explain how much he's helped me, I can talk to him about anything and he will listen to me and not criticize me, just advise. You're the best, man ;-)

I only call you Hiroshima cuz you're the bomb ;-) Funny, yes? Michael's one of my closest friends, even though we don't get to talk much anymore because of school. Maybe next year you'll get to be at my school, hm? Meh, I know you don't want to, but I hope you do! I love yah man, and I hope I see you soon! Good luck with Tara and everything, don't forget I'm here if you need to talk.

Even though we got off to a rough start, Jared has somehow become one of the people in my life that I am most comfortable with in a matter of weeks. He's so easy to talk to, and I hope to get to know him better now that we're not arguing and mad at each other all the time!

Blondie! Macey is one of my best friends, she makes me laugh when I'm with her and she's so much fun to talk to :-) I can talk to her about anything and she accepts me for who I am and doesn't try to change me! Thanks chick, I love you!

Cdub is the coolest! It sucks so bad we don't get to go to the same school this year, maybe you can follow me to Midlothian next year, eh? I hope so. Good luck with Felicia and everything, I really really hope and pray that everything goes well this time with your relationship ;-) Love you man!

To anyone I forgot, get over it! It's about 1:00 a.m. when I'm making this, so it's nothing personal I am just really tired. But I love you too!

A friend is one who knows all about you and likes you anyway