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Comedy Or Tragedy

Life's a stage I know for a fact,
but characters are rarely treated with tact.
There are two distinct and diverse roles,
with players and fate creating the whole.

Comedy with characteristics of a clown,
and Tragedy a gloomy face sporting a frown.
Life has cast me in both parts,
reminiscing just breaks my heart.

Dropped into the middle of a live theatrical scene,
I watched in silence wanting to scream.
With my misfortune sold,
my whole life was placed on hold.

My music and aspirations ended,
the dreams I dreamed were not intended.
Fate is cold and full of ambition,
forcing this role without an audition.

Dreaming now of my last encore,
my final performance of the art I adore.
I cherish those moments granted and heaven sent,
but aware of the love I was forced to relent.

Only in dreams it happens now,
for I've taken my last and final bow.
What kind of comedy is this,
breaking my heart and stealing my bliss?

The smiling face is not the culprit,
the hideous crime just doesn't fit.
My life has been cut, savaged and seared,
by the cunning face of tragedy and tears.

RhapsodyBlue Creation (c)

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