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A Pensieve of Poetry
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Playing with Fire
Topic: Love
(1995. For Rita A.)
You make me itch  
with a listless senselessness  
I've not known for so long 
devouring my  
waking hours like a phoenix  
vision rising from the 

smould'ring ashes   
of my thoughts, torching my heart...  
torturing my heart with 

soft and gentle  
gold-lash rimmed eyes, eyes which fan  
the dull glowing embers of 

my mind and blaze  
through my slumber, leaving me  
restless and unrested. 
You inflame my  
senses with coyly directed  
glances, stoking my 

passion, scortching  
the very fabric of my  
being. They say I'm playing with  

fire... You! A golden  
glowing solar flare of hair  
of wonder and desire.

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 5:14 PM CET
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Topic: Love

(1995 for Rita A.)


You crawled across the floor,

beneath my arms, my mind 

exploded into stars ...

Phosphenes danced before my

face, my hand brushed your side,

one look in your eyes

bent me out of shape,

now... I can't think straight. 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 4:31 PM CET
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Dream of the Devil and...
Topic: Love

(June 1998 reflecting on events that transpired on one fateful Cristmas Eve)


In the dark small hours of Christmas night

when all is quite, no sound, no light

I still see that moment ––– when she cast

me aside... there is no where to go

on this eve, to hide, for her face still

haunts me through troubled slumber while the

world around me collapses, is broken,

brought undone ––– and in sweat-drenched sleep

at the end of night... I still dream of

her, I unable to wake, or fight. 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 4:00 PM CET
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Reflection – three years on
Topic: Love

(1998, Ellinbank, Vic. Aust.)


I no longer speak of her nor to

her my thought longingly stray yet

she is still here inside

of me ––– our parting more

like a death than the split of minds

unreconciled... still, I love her still. 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 3:32 PM CET
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This Moment
Topic: Love

(for Michelle R. 1991: taking a break on Ninety Mile beach during a weekend of Weekend Warrior Training at Dutson Downs, Vic. Aust.)


Footsteps in sand wash

away in the tide:


Time does the same

for you and I. 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 1:33 PM CET
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Topic: Love

(1992, for Fiona)



the simple transience of your smile,

the gentle hue of blue

that hides, behind busy winks , and blinks;


The soft lustre of your cheeks,

their glow, and that

way your chin moves when you grin –––

sheer fantasy! 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 1:15 PM CET
Updated: Thursday, 18 February 2016 1:33 PM CET
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Topic: Love

(1990, for Fiona on the occasion of her birthday, Rosedale, Vic. Aust.)


My heart goes out to thee,

Oh, brightest flower of the day...


May your bed be ever fertile,

In the glowing light of the sun! 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 12:41 PM CET
Updated: Thursday, 18 February 2016 12:43 PM CET
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Topic: Love

(1991, for Shirley Ai Kiao T.)


Like the softness of velvet,

they shine,


glistening in the morning sun,

so fine 


Fawn brown, beaming gentleness,



And hinting of wonders, depths..


Posted by Tsc Tempest at 11:47 AM CET
Updated: Thursday, 18 February 2016 11:50 AM CET
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Words get in the Way
Topic: Love

(1990, for Michelle R.) 


How many times have I thought to say, "I

love you..." but the words got in the way?

To say of when I wake,

It's you, I wish to see! 

That each night, each thought of you, starts

and afterglow inside of me;

Your eyes, that smile, distrupt

my thoughts when we're alone...

'and each time, I'm strangled quiet

and fall silent... all choked up,

because the words get in the way. 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 11:17 AM CET
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What Would I Do If
Topic: Love

          (for Monica P. 1992) 

What would I do if you loved me,

What would I do?


I'd climb the highest mountain for eagles eggs,

That's what I'd do!


I'd swim treacherous waters for pink coloured coral,

Just for you!


'And I'd cross the Rainbow Bridge to lobby the Gods,

For a gift worthy of you...


But I'd rather hold you and gaze at the stars,

Atop some moonlit peak;


Or smile at your sun-kissed lips gently moving,

In the moist morning air,


Ah! To tickle your fancy, & picnic in the hills,

This too I'd do,


But most of all I'd rather be near, if nothing else

Just loving you. 

Posted by Tsc Tempest at 10:29 AM CET
Updated: Thursday, 18 February 2016 10:41 AM CET
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