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Zorro & Ester 77


5162 - So, not much has changed. I was right in comic 30 that Star Wars 2 should be called Anakin's hissy fit. I saw it at midnite wednesday, or I guess thursday. I didn't particularly enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I could point out much worse movies from the top of my head, but it just didn't "do it" for me.

I felt that someone needed to trash Star Wars in a comic today, and I also felt I should be the one to do it.

Sorry that the quality of the comic sucks, I did it in like 5 minutes cause I have to fill out applications right now, and don't have the time.

What was I doing the rest of the time today? Thinking about writing the comic and not actually doing it. That is what.

In other news, I've decided to take up rollerblading. Figures it will get me in shape and be fun too. But so far, it's only been making my body hurt. A lot. Oh well.

Enough of that. Gotta write some stuffs and stuff.

I need a job. Bad. Wanna give me yours?