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Zorro & Ester 76


5142 - Stuff happens sometimes. As you can see, or at least assume, that the "new" Resident Evil is scary. (Say scary like Vash does to give it more UUmph. Or at least like Cusko does in Emperor's new Groove.) Scarry! Scarry tree! Ok, well, um... yes. It is scary.

I figured out why people look weird to themselves in pictures. It is cause we are so used to looking at ourselves through a mirror, right? And mirrors reflect our image. So we are used to looking at ourselves reflected. So when we see ourselves "normal" it looks funny. Draw a picture, or find a picture, now look at it in the mirror. It should look really different, right? Yeah, the same works with our pictures. That and we are really critical of ourselves. That too.

Can't think of anything else to say. I'm still unpacking.

Oh yeah, I put another shirt up in the store. For girls, the girly ester shirt. Go buy one, if you are a girl. (Yeah like girls actually read a videogame comic.)

Girls are d-u-m dumb.