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Zorro & Ester 26


1202 - Alright wow look at me, 2 updates in 3 days! That is impressive, and today's comic should be impressive too, as it is the first REAL Zorro and Ester comic in color, since number 25 was just a practice to figure out the program I got. Well, I got in the mood for drawing and so decided to figure out the program, which I did pretty well. I enjoyed today's comic, but one needs to have played, or at least seen the characters from Final Fantasy X to understand. I hate making comics some people don't get, but I feel that my comics need to have more RPG influence in them, so if you don't get the comic, go play the RPG that corresponds to it to get the joke. That way everyone is happy.

To follow up with Final Fantasy X, I just beat it today, with Tidus having over half the sphere grid. The final bosses were a joke since my three fighters hit them for 9999 each hit, and so I didn't need to use special magic or special attacks or what not. I just attacked and whooped their behinnies. Oh yeah, and this game, although i hated the main character, goes down for one of the best endings and most fun gameplay for the whole sphere grid thing. the ending is great because.... Wait, I will not spoil it for you, but if you are curious, you can ask me, but let us just say it made me happy since I hate the main character. Ok, yes I am bitter.

Also today it snowed. I live in Georgia, so that is a rather big deal, and to celebrate, I beat Final Fantasy, as i said earlier. So I decided every RPG I beat I will allow myself to buy another one, but only after I beat one. Since I beat Final Fantasy X, I bought Golden Sun for the Game Boy Advance. This is quite a good game I might add. It is rather funny listening to the writers have the townspeople make fun of what townspeople said in old RPGs, but not the same way that Working Designs does it. For instance, in the beginning, when the townsfolk are trying to find some heros to save the world, one monk looks to the other monk and says "Umm, I think it is time for our daily chants." and the other monk says "Yeah, yeah, our chants. Gotta go." and they run off before they can be selected. It is not the same type of townspeople as Working Designs has, but they are still funny non the less. Speaking of Working Designs, I am working on one of their Saturn games, I told youse guys I got a Saturn to play all the good Working Designs games, well I am playing Albert's Oddessy, and I am at the end. Don't ever play that game though.

Speaking of Working Designs, I hope that they finish up with Arc the Lad, for I really want to play it, although I have to wait til after school starts again. Oh well.
