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Zorro and Ester # 25


123101 - Wow, it is the last day of this year. Hard ot believe. What is harder to believe is that I have not updated one comic! yeah I've been rather busy. I have meant to, but here at home I don't have the greatness of an ethernet modom thingy, and the computer here stinks bot, so most of the time, I can't log on to the net to upload my comics. I swear I have drawn a few comics, just not scanned and loaded them here. But my new years resolution is to do so soon.

In other news, I have gotten to the end of Final Fantasy X, a truly great game, and for all of you who know anything about it, I have almost finished 1/3 of the sphere grid with Tidus. That is truly an accomplishment. I have yet to play a game of blitzball other than the one they make you play, which I promply lost.

I have seen Lord of the Rings only 5 times now. But I have loved it every time. It is a great movie, the best one can do with the book in three hours.

Another thing I am sorry to admit is that I got myself a Saturn. This was the really crappy system that Sega made a long time ago. It only cost my 30 dollars, which was pretty good. I got it for the 3 or so Working Designs games that were made for it. I really wanted to finish a friend's copy of Albert's Oddessy, which I am halfway through with since the summer. So now I am up to 9 systems, counting the Sega CD, which I own no games for.

Now for the comic. I know it is a little strange. First off, it doesn't follow the set pattern of 3 panels in a row, second it is sort of in color, and third, it doesn't contain Zorro or Ester. Well, I wanted to try a little something different since I got Photoshop for Christmas, and I am still trying to learn how to work it. That is why it looks so crappy. So take this comic as a fake episode 25 if you like. the next one should be a lot better. And when I get back to school, I will promptly go back to my one a day schedule, but for now I am off to play video games.