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The Artist
Welcome to Hushicho's shop!

Name: Hushicho

Blood Type: O

Birthdate: December 9th

Interests: Art, music, collectibles, languages, culture studies

Role Models: Nagai Gou, Takeuchi Naoko

Favorite Manga Series: Jigoku Sensei Nube, Devil&Devil, Gegege no Kitarou

Hi! I am known as Hushicho, or Pchan (Phoenix-chan) as my friends call me. I've been drawing ever since I was old enough to hold a crayon, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon! My first endeavors were mainly cartoon-style adventures with some characters I made up, and I drew these up to about age 9 or 10. Then I became interested in American comic books and their dynamic anatomical styles.

Before then I had only studied classical methods, such as painting, charcoal sketching, and model-based pictures, still life portraits, and the like. But when I took a short course in comic-book style art having mistaken it for something else, I was hooked. I started reading comic books and studying anatomy to make my style more dynamic and hopefully more beautiful.

My first efforts were not what I would call ground-breaking! But I was pleased at the time because I enjoyed doing them. While occasionally discouraged by a few rude classmates and such as my family moved around frequently during my youth, I nonetheless kept with my art and delved into many diverse media before finding the manga-style that I enjoy so much.

Upon experiencing manga for the first time, I became determined to develop my own manga style (and also to learn the Japanese language!) So I began to work hard at that, adapating my ideas of dynamic superhero anatomy to the more lean and sensual manga builds. I feel as if my efforts for these years I've developed my style have only further helped me to create a distinctive and unique style all my own.

Even to this day, I continue to experiment with different genre-styles, such as the popular shounen (boys) style, in which the characters are more bold and tend to be more solidly built, the shoujo (girls) style, in which the characters tend to be more willowy and light, and of course combinations of the two. My favorite style falls into the shounen school, because my favorite genre is supernatural comedy.

I hope you will all enjoy my manga and help me to continue creating by reading and telling your friends! I hope you will also enjoy the things in the store and help to support the site that way if you can. Never forget your dreams and always keep up hope, no matter what people tell you, because if you work hard you will succeed at them!

I'm always happy to read and respond to e-mails, so feel free to send them to me using the information on the Contact page. If you have any question sor comments, or anything like that, please send me an e-mail and I will respond as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

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