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{Welcome to the Wish Fansite}

Hey everyone! Welcome to the WISH fansite, made by

E.A. Shyro (with a *little* help from her friend

Potterphilette)! Over here, you can find background inform-

ation on the series, as well as fanfictions. Be warned,

though: Obsession w/ these books can lead to problems…(I guess

you can tell that Potterphilette is typing this, huh?)! So…enjoi!




{What the Webmistress Is Saying}

Um…actually, Potterphilette is typing this, not E.A. Shyro, because

E.A. Shyro has little/no HTML knowledge, and she’s currently under-

going a tutorial concocted by my dear friend jeti. This is UNDER CONS-

TRUCTION, I repeat, UNDER CONSTRUCTION! If you want a quality

site, you’d better have the patience to get one!

Well, it's Potterphilette again! Just all of this working? Hope so.

Hey all, Potterphilette! Finally fixed the top...tis a miracle, non? Okies, E.A. Shyro should be posting soon, at least, i hope so...won't b back for a while. consider it an unofficial hiatus. well, then, bibi!





Layout made by: Trine at Acidweb. So thanx, Trine!


{Her Life}


{It’s when You Link}

•The Series•

{All About the Books}


{By Us!}