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Oodles and oodles of my doodles that aren't comics!

Pie Man Related Art
Concept art of the PM world, drawings of the characters, anything Pie Man that I made.

"Pie Man: The Game"
Sketches of what a Pie Man game would be like. The engine would be like a mix of the Mega Man series and the Sonic the Hedgehog series: Collect Pies and use them as weapons. Collect Cherries to make the weapons more powerful. If you get hit, you lose all your Cherries. If you get hit without any Cherries, you die.
"Kirby/Pie Man Crossover"
I've been really addicted to Kirby Superstar lately. So, I've made a few scketches of Kirby's possible abilities if he were to suck up people from Pie Man comics.
"Pie Man Cast (So Far)"
I decided to do a really random little doodle of the current status of the Pie Man cast. That is, up to Episode 2 Page 6. Yeah, really random.

Random Art
Stuff non-Pie Man related that I made.

"Fe/Male Fun!"
Drawings of female versions of my male friends and male celebrities and video game characters.
"Developer's Dream Battle System"
Developer's Dream is a game I may start making for RPG Maker 2000 after I finish RPG Town Legion Saga, my current project. Developer's Dream may have a Custom Battle System, and this is what I'd want it to be like.
"Waddle Dee!"
More Kirby stuff. Ain't Waddle Dee so cuddly and ADORABLE? And easy to draw, too! ^_^
"Kirby Sucks!"
MORE Kirby stuff. Yes, he does suck. I'm not kidding. It's not an insult.... JUST PLAY THE GAME! You'll see what I mean. Ahem.
Wow! A non-Kirby art! Of course, it's still a cute animal. I'm thinking of making a mini-comic out of this dude to make fun of various "Virtual pet" games. What do you guys think? Send feedback if you like the idea!

Fan Art
Art from my fans! This section is empty right now, as I DON'T HAVE ANY! *sniff* I'm so unloved....
If you have any fanart to send, send it here.