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Penguins of War

Site created by TyGuy


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Commanding Officer Gen.Penguinboy


- Hey POW Members this is the POW site Check the rules page for info on the clan Please thank you!.  This is were you will fid what the clan expects from its members follow them well and the clan will be fun and exciting!.

-To travel the site use the links below ok.

-Guys the NEW clan forum is were you post things for the clan to see so come and update or catch up on clan events.

- All members must download and use Roger Wilco for in-game communication, it is a tool were we can speack to each other verbaly on the battlefield it requiers a mic and speakers for sound,if you have 56k modem dont bother to download it will make things laggy ok thx guys.  Download here .

-Have Fun!!!!!!! The POW clan Welcomes you and brings a fun enviroment to the game of MOHAA Thank you.




Home     Join     Links     Members     Ranks     Challenge     Rules      Clan Forum