Dear world I'm pleased to meet you...

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

“Where are the wonders to match the horrors? Of all those oddities to come through the portal… why don't we get something like a phoenix, or a unicorn? Or some ancient hero - Lancelot or Cu Chulain?"

"They have us, Jack. Wouldn't Lancelot be a little superfluous?"

~ Jack and Holmes

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is really a walking paradox in many ways. First of all, the name - for there are actually as many or more ladies in the League as there are gentlemen. But one must admit that "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" is far more tripping on the tongue than "The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen," and we would lose all of the men if it were "The League of Extraordinary Ladies." So the women of the group smile faintly at the gender-specific, slightly inaccurate moniker… and leave it at that.

Then there's the anachronistic, individualistic and international nature of its members -- the British hold the majority here, although some retain fond memories of Her Majesty Victoria, while others have only known HRM Elizabeth II. We have the Aussie, the Nihon-jin, and a sprinkling of Americans… and even there you'll find a variety of different time and reality origins. Nearly every one of this motley collection would probably describe themselves as a loner who prefers to work on his or her own… which might cause an observer to wonder how or why they ever gravitated into a whole to begin with.

The League is comprised of personalities who possess skills or talents notably beyond the level of the common man upon the street - though only half of this loose confederation can actually lay claim to mysterious abilities that would defy the ambitious yet normal mortal. And herein is perhaps a clue to the reason for the League's founding; individually, its members might be at a disadvantage against the malevolent influences of Beacon Harbor's resident villains and crimelords, but together they become a force to be reckoned with. The League is staunchly heroic, if not "super-powered." You shall find no tights nor capes amongst their respective wardrobes. No, the strength of the members lies instead in their ingenuity and adaptability; in determination and the creative use of the significant talents that they do possess, turned towards the pursuit of adventure… and ultimately, towards the defense of what is Good.



Introduction | Adventures | Members | Contact the League | Soundtrack