"...we are simply a circle of friends that have banded together as strangers in a strange land, to help one another when it's needed. And with personalities like Holmes and Lara involved, I think any effort at organization would be only slightly less trying than herding cats."
~ Seishi

The Resurrection of Acathla
“Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice…”
“No one ever says the world will end in lukewarm water. I suppose it’s not dramatic enough.”

Aug. 6, 2001: Mexico: the Gem of Amarra.
Aug. 8: Into evil hands.
Aug. 16: Revelation. - Confession.
Aug. 20: Spain: the sword.
Aug. 24: It ends. - Those left behind.
Aug. 26: Epilogue.

The Fourth Nail
Aug. 29, 2001: A new quest.
Sept. 4: Divided.
Sept. 14: Romania: the test.
Sept. 19: London: the auction.
Sept. 24: London: rejoined.
Sept. 25: London: pajama party.
Oct. 8: India: Balaton.
Oct. 22: The destruction of the Gem. (Incomplete)

Dreams Are For Dying
Though we’ve played for much higher stakes, I think this case wore the most heavily on me personally… Perhaps because it struck at so many of my worst fears. Perhaps because there was no clear victory. Whatever the reason, it left more than one of us weary and out of sorts when it ended. But we bounced back. We always do.—Seishi
Nov. 12, 2001: Asking a favor.
Nov. 20: Information.
Nov. 21: Dr. Elmer Vincent.
Nov. 22: Discovery.
Nov. 23: Disturbing news.
Nov. 24: Confrontation.
Nov. 26: Interlude.
Nov. 27: Pieces of the puzzle.
Nov. 28: A phone call.
Dec. 3: A surprise and a plan.
Dec. 5: Boston: the Caradian Jail.
Jan. 3, 2002: Contact.
Jan. 15: Washington, DC: Ambush. (“What the hell, it’s only a rental...”)

I can’t speak for the others, but after the ordeal we went through over the holidays, I almost think I needed a clean success like this. In one of my more ridiculous moments, I was grateful to Holmes-sama for enlisting my help in it. Which was silly, of course. But, well.—Seishi
February 6, 2002: “The game is afoot!” “It can’t ever drive, can it?”

In The Arms Of Morpheus
May 10, 2002: Breaking point. - I’m sorry. - I’ll be seeing you.
May 11: I want to know. - What are you looking for? - Rabbit hole. - Join the dance.
May 12: Lavender’s blue. - Green fairy. - Fight or flight.
May 13: Storybook rules. - Mind the gap.
May 14: Love hurts, dunnit? - Find the break.
May 15: Angry stars. - Her black knight.
May 16: And how the cracks begin to show.
May 17: God is in the details. - Bend like a willow.
May 18: The horseman. - Convergence.
May 20: Dear world, I’m pleased to meet you. - We can all try.
May 21: All fall down. - Visitation.
May 22: A New York minute. - A trinity of trinities.

The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
But soon we shall die and all memory of those five will have left the earth, and we ourselves shall be loved for a while and forgotten. But the love will have been enough; all those impulses of love return to the love that made them. Even memory is not necessary for love. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning. (Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey)
Aug. 27, 2002: Dreams in the night.
Aug. 28: Comparing notes.
Sept. 3: Call for help.
Sept. 9: Turbulence.
Sept. 14: Bermuda: Under other circumstances...
Sept. 15: Bermuda: And much is revealed.
Sept. 16: Bermuda: Trapped.
Sept. 18: Bermuda: Turnabout. - The hand we're dealt.
Sept. 20: Bermuda: People are dying.
Sept. 21: Bermuda: Treading water.
Sept. 23: Bermuda: Something to work with.
Sept. 26: Bermuda: Cryptic without meaning. - Ambush.
Sept. 27: Bermuda: Bad news. - Breakdown. - Rescue.
Oct. 4: Bermuda: The hard truth.
Oct. 9: Bermuda: The end.
Oct. 10: Bermuda: Denial.
Oct. 11: Bermuda: Anger. - Bargaining.
Oct. 12: Bermuda: Return. (Incomplete.)
Oct. 13: Tadaima.

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